Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 13:49
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: MEDIA

radio play

- rozhlasová hra

1. The BBC is encouraging the fashion by offering an annual prize for the best Gaelic radio play. BNC

2. After starring in another radio play, Children of the Archbishop, Crawford arrived, with chaperon, in Coventry. BNC

3. For example, one might listen to a radio play while cooking, send a sonnet to a lover, or answer an exam question on the play or poem at A-level. BNC

raise issues of

- vyvolat diskuzi týkající se (něčeho)

1. Student action on the campus, on the other hand, does raise issues of academic freedom, and in a double sense. BNC

2. Given that cases involving the exercise of public functions might also raise issues of private law, it should be made clear that the court hearing an application under public law procedure is to decide all issues raised by the case, whether of public law or private law. BNC  

3. This will raise issues of interpretation of the disputes clause and an investigation of the type of dispute, which, unless some other provision is made in the contract, can be resolved only by the court if it has jurisdiction, or by arbitrators or a supervisory arbitral body, or possibly not at all.

read between the lines

- číst mezi řádky

1. There were 850 complaints about computer and software advertising in 1992, so it pays to be able to read between the lines of an advert. BNC

2. Harriet, being no fool, read between the lines and knew that Sidney had been got at by his stronger-minded and cynical other half. BNC

3. You will use your powers of anticipation and imagination to read between the lines, to understand message and meaning. BNC

read the news

- hlásit, číst zprávy

1. And three of our aircraft have failed to return; the man who read the news would intone on the midday bulletin. BNC

2. In the end, I expect they'll make her read the news. BNC

3. And when the Orcadian came to Stronsay, the paper, the a man used to read he used to get the Orcadian and read the news on the pier. BNC

regular cinemagoer

- pravidelný filmový návštěvník

1. I had been a regular cinemagoer and had a fondness for horror and science fiction. WebC

2. Most books on film and television assume that the reader is a regular cinemagoer or television viewer. WebC

3. If you are a regular cinemagoer, you'll probably guess the twist. WebC

reject an allegation

- odmítnout obvinění

1. The People's Party reacted by rejecting the allegations, and accused Ruml of violating the election law ban on campaigning within the 48 hours before polling began. BNC

2. The Indian government rejected the allegations, but as the USA was India's principal trading partner, any sanctions had the potential to cause serious damage to imports of vital items and exports of high-value foreign exchange earners. BNC

3. Borders Regional Council's education committee chairman, Riddle Dumble, denied there was a hit-list of schools and rejected allegations that each review process was a foregone conclusion. BNC

relay via a satellite

- přenášet družicí

1. Today, technology allows automated intercept from such locations with immediate relay via satellite to a comfortable stateside location where well paid civilian technicians can browse through the traffic and process the worthwhile stuff at their leisure. WebC

2. When I made this recording there was no delay between the original on 1,458 kHz and this relay, which in my opinion excludes a relay via satellite to Germany. WebC

3. This ‘BDA glider’ could then observe the resulting impact and relay via satellite whether the strike was, in fact, successful. WebC

reliable source

- spolehlivý pramen

1. Incidentally I got that information on the third law from a very reliable source. BNC

2. The Food Magazine has achieved a great deal in a very short time, and the national press regards it as a reliable source of information. BNC

3. One very reliable source recalled another John Birch who had indeed been sent to prison for the offence mentioned above, and my informant suspects that this is where the confusion initially stemmed from. BNC

reliance on st

- spoléhání na něco

1. Such a reliance on free capital enterprise is foreign to the present British scene; but it could be suggested that without it, any community development is likely to fail. BNC

2. It's based on a kind of cowardice, a lack of reliance on your own judgement if it suceeded before it'll succeed again, it's just a money making machine and shows no literary thought by the publishers. BNC

3. His concern about the organization of the militia was timely, but his intended reliance on the longbow was hardly forward-looking. BNC

remain anonymous

- zůstat v anonymitě

1. His solicitor Duncan Mcnabb believes the accuser should remain anonymous but the accused should only be named if found guilty. BNC

2. Their story was first revealed in The Northern Echo earlier this year, but at the time the couple wanted to remain anonymous. BNC

3. Their owner, a collector from Rossett who wishes to remain anonymous, said it was time to let his collection go. BNC

remote control

- dálkové ovládání, dálkové řízení

1. This is what most owners say when confronted by cherished furnishings, door frames or personal items, such as books or the remote control for the TV, that have been torn to shreds by beloved Rover in their absence, or nearly as distressing the evidence of his lack of toilet control. BNC

2. The device in the attaché case would be activated by remote control from inside the limousine. BNC

3. Youmust use the video remote control that goes with the video. BNC

remove the make-up

- odlíčit

1. They ask Bina how to remove the make-up, how to cleanse and moisturize. WebC

2. After a busy day day one needs first to remove the make-up. WebC

3. It took just as long to remove the make-up, as it did to apply it. WebC

request program(me)

- pořad na prání diváků/posluchačů




restrictions on st

- omezení něčeho

1. In the US, buyers will have to hold back for 90 days after the issue because of Securities Exchange Commission restrictions on overseas dealings. BNC

2. There were still restrictions on foreign travel, he said, for people who held valuable information. BNC

3. Syria announced on April 27 that it had ended restrictions on foreign travel for the country's 4,500-strong Jewish community. BNC

reveal the identity

- odhalit totožnost

1. When he first refers to the approach made to Gundovald in Constantinople he does not reveal the identity of the man involved. BNC

2. The Newcastle boss had hoped to be able to reveal the identity of the player yesterday before the move hit a hitch. BNC

3. With the film's release, the same gay groups have been picketing cinemas in the US, accusing Hollywood of promoting negative gay stereotypes, and confronting prospective filmgoers with placards on which they reveal the identity of the murderer. BNC