terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 15:22
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: WORK & LEISURE

strike it rich

náhle zbohatnúť

1. For a time he really thought he was going to strike it rich. BNC

2. Stories of entrepreneurial heroism, come from across the economy and across the country: professors who create whole new industries and become instant millionaires when their inventions go from the laboratory to the marketplace; youthful engineers who quit their jobs, strike out on their own, and strike it rich. BNC

3. He struck it rich in the oil business. CIDoI

stumbling block


1. Palestinian stubbornness has become a major stumbling block to the peace process as conceived by the United States. BNC

2. The stumbling block was the obedience he demanded. BNC

3. The main stumbling block to expanding nursery classes as a right, which they and the majority of the committee favoured, was the limit on public spending. BNC

subsidiary (daughter company)

přidružená firma, dceřiná společnost

Our head office is in Portland, ME and we own 70% of a manufacturing subsidiary in Colorado.



They want the government to give them a subsidy.


soudit se / žalovat

He was sued for damages. (žalován o náhradu škody)

sweat blood

potiť krv, ťažko pracovať

1. I now know that you do n't win at this level unless you sweat blood and tears. WASPS

2. Although I remember seeing someone eating chips from a story I 'd sweated blood on when I was working in Worcester. WASPS

3. It would be done this time . If I had to sweat blood it would be done. WASPS

synergy (co-operation)


We work hard to get synergy between subsidiaries.