úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MONEY

saddled with debt

Mať veľa dlhov, byť zadĺžený

1. Saddled with debt , the company can not compete . BNCB

2. He left behind his illiterate widow, six months pregnant with their third child and saddled with debt. WebC

3. The world has recognised that Nigeria should not be saddled with debt contracted by its previous military dictators. WebC

salt away

uschovat, našetřit (peníze)

These accounts might allow millions of workers currently without a pension to salt away some money for their twilight years. (Google)

He has been working there for seven years and has been able to salt away quite a lot of money. (Learn4good)

That would see his second son through college, allow him to salt away more savings from yearly wages averaging close to $90,000 including substantial overtime pay, and earn additional future pension benefits, Krzeszewski says. (Google)

scrape together

dát dohromady, nashromáždit

  1. It was hard for him to scrape together more than a few coppers at a time. (BNCB)

  2. After some persuasion on his part he managed to scrape together four reluctant nominees. (BNCB)

  3. I don't know how I'm going to manage to scrape together that much money by then. (BNCB)

sell for a mere song

prodat za babku

Mr. Dougherty brought all his influence to bear to have a railroad
built through the township, and when the Chicago and North Western was
built he sold the company the town site for a mere song. Google

Owing to low prices and other difficulties of that pioneer era, they did not, generally speaking, remain longer than the time required by law in order to obtain patents to their land. Frequently they sold their holdings for a mere song; perhaps a team and wagon, a few cows or horses, etc.Google

shell out

vysolit peníze

Fixed wireless subscribers will have to shell out more. (Google)

Season ticket holders to shell out $5000 to keep seats. (Google)

You could shell out dough for software that fills Windows' gaps. (Google)

strike it rich


New breed of Texas tycoons strike it rich with technology investments. (Google)

Young entrepreneurs strike it rich online. (Google)

In 1849, thousands of people headed out west to strike it rich, changing America forever. (Google)