utorok, 16 júla 2024, 16:20
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

snail mail

listovní pošta (oproti elektronické)

One of the challenges we have to deal with in a virtual office environment is how to handle incoming snail mail. (Google)

Yet, for some reason, you still need regular snail mail for all kinds of pesky reasons that just don’t seem to go away. Among them is the fact that everyone seems to need a real address for real mail. (Google)

Many of the techniques and strategies used in post card or “snail mail” marketing are similar to e-mail marketing. (Google)

speak ill of somebody

hovoriť o niekom nepekne

Hey, you two. Don't speak ill of Evelyn. Especially when she's not here to defend herself. (Google)

I refuse to speak ill of any of my friends. (Google)

Max speaks ill of no one and refuses to repeat gossip. (Google)

speak in earnest

mluvit vážně, upřímně

"Hear me, and be assured that I speak in earnest. If you, and I mean all of you, do not come to the services tomorrow morning, and instruct your men to do likewise, then I shall leave you." (webcorp)

Well, to speak in earnest I cannot decide whether to blame marriage or age, but the fact is that I have grown a lot lazier. (webcorp)

After the waitress brought our coffee we began to speak in earnest. (webcorp)

speak out of turn

říct něco nevhodného či netaktního

When she continued to speak out of turn, the judge ordered court guards to remove her from the courtroom. (Google)

Perhaps most importantly, males with Fragile X usually have difficulty using speech and language in social contexts. They often seem unaware of conversational “clues,” such as facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language. As a result, they may speak out of turn, fail to answer a question, or turn away because they aren’t sure what to do. (Google)

Showing people that it is OK to speak out of turn and say “this can be better” is so powerful. Them recognizing it on their own is even more powerful. (Google)

speak with a forked tongue

lhát, tvrdit jedno a myslet si druhé

People who speak with a "forked tongue" will forfeit others' trust, since no one likes to be tricked. (Google)

Don't speak with a forked tongue. In other words, don't say one thing to one person and something different to another person…don't be a liar! (Google)

Basically, lawyers are portrayed as slimy and cold-hearted predators who speak with a forked tongue. (Google)

spill the beans

vyzradiť tajomstvo

So who spilt the beans about her affair with David? (Google)

Where are you going? Come on. Spill the beans. (Google)

One of their number has just written a book questioning this kind of control and spilling the beans of angst rather as American and British feminist writers did in the Seventies. (BNC)

spill the beans (on someone)

vyzradit tajemnství, něco vyzvonit

So how about it gardeners - spill the beans to us! What kinds of beans have you tried and had good success with? (Google)

After dumping her twice, the actor wants to spill the beans and tell the most intimate secrets of their relationship in a tell-all book. (Google)

Residents at a County Durham traveller site have spilled the beans on some of their favourite traditional recipes. (Google)

stamping/stomping ground

rajón, terén

I spent an afternoon in Camden, my old stomping ground. (Google)

Like Banquo's ghost her figure would be seen haunting her old stamping ground. (BNC)

All of a sudden you're infringing upon his his stamping ground, his authority and he won't take it too kindly. (BNC)

sth sticks in one's throat

nebýt schopen něco vyslovit, sdělit

I have to say that it would stick in my throat to say, " I am done (with my homework) 'rather than 'I have done my homework'. (Google)

The promises would stick in my throat, the accoutrements would tarnish, the softness would become pliable and the power would turn to passivity. (Google)

They just stick in my throat. No matter what I do, it doesn't seem to get any easier to say that one, small phrase: "I need help." (Google)

stick to the point

držet se tématu

There's an art to getting your letter printed in a newspaper... stick to the point and don't use green ink. (Google)

Stick to the point. Make sure that your essay is directly relevant to the question asked. Although you will know a great deal more about the philosopher or topic at issue than your answer requires, it will be read only for information and/or argumentation that responds to the specific question. (Google)
Stick to the point. Write your CV in a straightforward and direct style – even if it means suspending normal rules of grammar. (Google)