вторник, 16 июля 2024, 16:25
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: CLIMATE



They usually manage to survive a day or so buried in a snowdrift. BNC

What she'd hit or, more accurately, ploughed into, was a thick snowdrift, piled across the road. BNC

If one of them had tunnelled into a snowdrift, his ski-sticks unfindable, another had slipped and was dangling over the edge of a snow-capped tunnel. BNC


sněhové přeháňky

The lack of snowfall in most European resorts over the last two winters has made all skiers aware of the advantages of artificial snow-making machinery. BNC

Temperatures would drop below freezing in many parts of the world and, even if the war occurred in summer, many areas would have snowfall for months. BNC

A heavy snowfall left the hills deliciously inviting and the sky was clear and bright. BNC


sněhová vločka

A snowflake landed on his lower lip and immediately dissolved. BNC

The keys crashed to the floor next to Gedanken; the piece of paper followed, slowly fluttering from side to side like a snowflake. BNC

A snowflake touched the glass, stuck there for a moment then melted. BNC



Then I remember that time when the tent blew down in the snowstorm and his sleeping bag went in the slush. BNC

Two hours later, as they were hauling in their lines, a light drizzling snowstorm of ash began to fall. BNC

Fighting our way through a raging snowstorm, we arrived at the north end, by Costa Hill, and huddled in the car, astonished by the force of the blizzard. BNC

sopping wet

durch promáčený

The handkerchief was torn now, sopping wet and useless as an absorbent. BNC

Whether gathering after the scythe, or the reaper, or stoking the sheaves, clothes could become sopping wet. BNC

He escaped in his pyjamas, and the plaster of Paris on his leg was sopping wet where he had fallen in a ditch, but he was in good spirits. BNC

sound in wind and limb

zdravý na duchu i na těle, mít tuhý kořínek

Upon the whole, however, here is a mortality of about 50 per cent and this among negroes who are not bought unless quite healthy at first, and unless (as the phrase is with cattle) they are sound in wind and limb.

And Jane stood there, sound in wind and limb, and with the
exhilarating sense, always helpful to the mind, of a bodily feat
accomplished. WebCorp

He must start young and be thoroughly sound in wind and limb. WebCorp

spit in the wind

ztrácet čas, zbytečně se namáhat

It's about the futility of standing in the way of emotion, with sober advice not to spit in the wind or to get in the way.

When you spit in the wind it comes right back at you. WebCorp

spring melt

jarní tání

However, concentrations were low in April 2001, following the spring melt period. WebCorp

Concentrations increased with the rise in the hydrography during spring melt, reaching the highest concentration as the hydrography began to fall.WebCorp

In some rivers, such as those around here, the maximum flow comes with the spring melt.WebCorp

spring thaw

jarní obleva

Surprisingly, before the spring thaw finally sets in, April can provide excellent rock climbing. BNC

Impassable potholes rapidly developed in the iron-hard, frosted road once the spring thaw set in. BNC

The tops of the wedges are often covered with gravel and may be awash during the spring thaw. BNC

steady rain

vytrvalý déšť

This is followed by much thicker nimbostratus and steady rain or drizzle. WebCorp

It's still not perfect weather, but it beats the steady rain of early this morning. WebCorp

As a steady rain began to fall, however, the initial excitement of the day quickly dampened.

steal sb´s thunder

předejít  něčí záměr, ukrást nápad, předběhnout

Your most startling, persuasive or important points should not go in the introduction; do not let the introduction steal your thunder. BNC

I kept quiet about my pregnancy because Cathy was getting married, and I didn't want to steal her thunder. CIDI

Senator Johnson accused the President of stealing his thunder on the tax issue. MED



Only cynics would have called him stick-in-the-mud or sneered at him being `worthy'. BNC

I was always called stick-in-the-mud by one of my masters. BNC.

'Anyway, I'm not interested in married men.' 'Oh, don't be such a stick-in-the-mud.' CALD

stone cold


It was a cellar, stone-floored and stone-walled, and stone cold. BNC

They were , they were for grabbing stuff out for and stone cold general cargo, anything. BNC

Come and drink your tea, lass, it'll be stone cold. BNC

storm clouds

hrozivá, černá mračna ( nebezpečí, špatná událost)

Economic storm clouds are gathering over India. CALD

The storm clouds of war seem to be looming over the east. CALD

The storm clouds gathering over Leeds City broke almost a year after the end of the First World War. BNC

storm of applause

bouřlivé ovace

But to hear the storm of applause with which his BUF followers greeted it was more terrifying still. BNC

Patrick heard the roar and the storm of applause and guessed that his curiosity had made him miss the shot not only of the tournament but probably of the golfing year. BNC

Fortunately, though, he saw his son dancing in the first theatre of the country and was proud to see the audience's storm of applause for him. WebCorp