Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 17:50
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossar: FOOD



salt away

uložit (peníze)

It's not easy paying a mortgage, raising a young child, and salting away enough money for your retirement. (Google)

Regarding money: “There was none to salt away,” he said. (Google)

These accounts might allow millions of workers currently withouta pension to salt away some money for their twilight years. (Google)



save sb's bacon

zachránit si kůži

Thank you for helping me with my exam preparation. You really saved my bacon. (Oxford Dictionary)

say cheese!

řekněte sýr!

Is everybody ready? Right, say cheese!

say grace before/after meat

modlit se před/po jídle

Another good way is to say grace before meals, which is another way of appreciating what we are about to consume. BNC

Mother said that Aunt Bessie was fond of telling one story about Thomas Isaac, recalling the occasion when he was asked to say grace before breakfast one morning and steadfastly refused although commanded several times by his father. BNC

sell/go like hot cakes

jít na dračku

The band's latest record is selling like hot cakes. (Oxford Idioms)



shake like a jelly/leaf

třást se jako osika, třást se strachy

The teacher asked to see his work. The young boy stood up, shaking like a jelly. Longman

share/slice of the cake

podíl na zisku nebo výhodách

Third-world countries are discovering how their natural resources have been exploited by the rest of the world and now they want a bigger slice of the cake. (Oxford Idioms)

shea butter

bambucký tuk

Shea butter, hazelnut, horsetail plant, cucumber; orchid and St. John's wort are associated in "Blue Orchid" Cream to provide an effective, natural product to treat dry, devitalized skin. BNC

Peach extract and ginkgo-biloba help normalize the hydration level of the skin, whilst camomile, red poppy and sandalwood act to decongest and shea butter; moringa, wheatgerm and almond extracts nourish and revitalize. BNC

sheep's cheese dairy


skimmed milk

odstředěné mléko

Do not skimp and debase using margarine in place of butter, skimmed milk instead of cream. BNC

For those who did choose healthy alternatives, the most popular product was low-fat margarine used by nearly half the sample, followed by skimmed milk used by 40%. BNC

They are often (but not always) relatively low in fat and can be made from skimmed milk or whey. BNC

slip cheese

sražené mléko

slip on a banana skin

šlápnout vedle

The new minister slipped on a banana skin before he had been in the job a week. (Oxford Idioms)

smart cookie

pěkné kvítko, chytrý člověk

Jed is one smart cookie. I'm sure he'll do the right thing. (Oxford Idioms)

someone's salad days


We listened to the sad and faded tunes that the band was playing and remembered how exciting this same music had seemed during our salad days. Longman

sort out/separate the wheat from the chaff

oddělit zrno od plev

When all the applications came in, our first task was to separate the wheat from the chaff. (Oxford Idioms)

spill (sb's) blood

prolít (něčí) krev

Nothing can justify spilling innocent blood. (Oxford Idioms)

spill the beans

všechno prozradit, vyklopit

We were trying to keep it secret from Pete, but Marcia spilled the beans. (Oxford Idioms)

sponge biscuit


sponge cake

piškotový dort, piškotová bábovka

Such an ambitious Tuscan confection surely deserves a cakestand, assembled as it is on a noble pedestal of rock, its buildings (mixed plain and fancy) composed of that porous tufa which looks much like sponge cake and which comes in all the golds, pinks, browns and mauves of the best Battenberg. BNC

From our list we would choose to put a cross against sugar, chocolate, biscuits, sponge cake, and mints. BNC

For example, you might choose to bake a low-sugar sponge cake. BNC



stir sb's/the blood

vzrušit, nadchnout

His political speeches are designed to stir the blood. (Oxford Idioms)



sugar daddy

kořen, paprika, starší muž vydržující si mladší ženu

When you tell him that he's a sugar daddy, he gets very angry. He says she isn't interested in his money, only in him. (Oxford Idioms)

swallow the bait

sednout na lep, skočit na špek

When people read the words "Free Gift" on the magazine they usually swallow the bait and buy it. (Oxford Dictionary)

sweet butter

máslo (nesolené)