úterý, 16. července 2024, 17.39
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

smart cookie

pěkné kvítko, chytrý člověk

Jed is one smart cookie. I'm sure he'll do the right thing. (Oxford Idioms)

someone's salad days


We listened to the sad and faded tunes that the band was playing and remembered how exciting this same music had seemed during our salad days. Longman

sort out/separate the wheat from the chaff

oddělit zrno od plev

When all the applications came in, our first task was to separate the wheat from the chaff. (Oxford Idioms)

spill (sb's) blood

prolít (něčí) krev

Nothing can justify spilling innocent blood. (Oxford Idioms)

spill the beans

všechno prozradit, vyklopit

We were trying to keep it secret from Pete, but Marcia spilled the beans. (Oxford Idioms)

sponge biscuit


sponge cake

piškotový dort, piškotová bábovka

Such an ambitious Tuscan confection surely deserves a cakestand, assembled as it is on a noble pedestal of rock, its buildings (mixed plain and fancy) composed of that porous tufa which looks much like sponge cake and which comes in all the golds, pinks, browns and mauves of the best Battenberg. BNC

From our list we would choose to put a cross against sugar, chocolate, biscuits, sponge cake, and mints. BNC

For example, you might choose to bake a low-sugar sponge cake. BNC



stir sb's/the blood

vzrušit, nadchnout

His political speeches are designed to stir the blood. (Oxford Idioms)



sugar daddy

kořen, paprika, starší muž vydržující si mladší ženu

When you tell him that he's a sugar daddy, he gets very angry. He says she isn't interested in his money, only in him. (Oxford Idioms)

swallow the bait

sednout na lep, skočit na špek

When people read the words "Free Gift" on the magazine they usually swallow the bait and buy it. (Oxford Dictionary)

sweet butter

máslo (nesolené)