tirsdag, 16. juli 2024, 15:55
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)


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And tailor-made… throw-away fashion that suits the pocket of the thrifty. BNCB

Product examples are ships, tailor-made suits and hospital construction. BNCB

Tailor-made short course for individual companies, to bring their staff up to date with modern computer techniques. BNCB

take one´s hat off to sb


You must also take your hat off to Curtis Strange who had not played well during the week but who birdied the final four holes --; no mean feat --; to ensure that his country wasn't beaten. BNCB

I take my hat off to people who do voluntary work in their spare time.CIDI

I take my hat to our teachers who've raised standards in the school with very few resources. CIDI

take to one´s heels

vzít nohy na ramena

As soon as they saw the soldiers coming, they took to their heels. CIDI

Thousands of Eritreans leave homes, take to their heels. WebC

They had only two options- either take to heels or surrender. WebC

tank top

vestička s výstřihem

Once on deck he stopped to admire Ellen who was dressed in a brief pair of shorts and a faded tank top. BNCB

She was in her warmup kit of white tank top, running shorts, red legwarmers, and basketball shoes. BNCB

One of them, a bearded beer-bellied fellow in a tank top and tattoos, approaches. BNCB

ten-gallon hat

kovbojský klobouk

Both sported a magnificent moustache, both wore a ten-gallon hat and both were dressed to kill at the Golden Boot Awards for Westerns in Beverly Hills last night. BNCB

He sticks to his guns and, for that reason alone, deserves a tip of the ten-gallon hat. BNCB

Mildred Fender was in sequins with large feather earrings and a ten-gallon hat. BNCB

tennis shoes


She was wearing white cotton jeans, a peach-coloured T-shirt and white tennis shoes. BNCB

The Fish had short hair and wore uninspired clothes, like a white shirt, crumpled suit and tennis shoes. BNCB

She stood up suddenly, so that she could stamp the floor, annoyed because tennis shoes couldn't make a big enough noise to suit her fury. BNCB

the boot/shoe is on other foot

karta se obrátila

In the past, we had great influence over their economy, but the boot is on the other foot now. CIDI

Sometimes the boot is on the other foot, the cargo is allowed to pass by the British and stopped by the enemy. Times 1940

Now the boot is on the other foot, and again they show signs of falsifying the outlook by interpreting it in the old and doctrinaire terms of class warfare. Times 1949

three-piece suit

třídílný oblek

He wears a three-piece suit with an old-fashioned watch-chain looped across his waistcoated paunch. BNCB

The boatman wears a traditional thick navy woollen three-piece suit over a white woollen shirt. BNCB

He wore an immaculately tailored three-piece suit, cut from a cloth of apricot cream. BNCB

thrift shops

obchody s použitým zbožím, jejichž výdělek jde na charitu

She takes as her working material clothing scavenged from thrift shops and garage sales, women's clothes mostly from the 1950s, and combines them with various substances including hair, urine and even faeces. BNCB

Two seasons ago Metro Pictures treated us to a collection of found art, paintings by anonymous amateur limners purchased mostly at thrift shops by a West Coast artist named Jim Shaw. BNCB

Revenue from the Thrift Shop (which shares the same premises as St. Bride's Stall) helps to offset some of that expenditure for both parishes. BNCB

throw/toss one´s hat into the ring

ohlásit kandidaturu

She's seriously considering throwing her hat in the ring and declaring herself a candidate for the election. CIDI

The new political party called Rednecks threw its hat into the ring. Wasp

It is very serious, they are throwing their hat into the ring. IE

tie (up) one´s shoes

zavázat si boty

Difficult problems like learning to type, ride a bicycle, tie shoes, or knit seem almost impossible at first, but once learned become as matter-of-fact as breathing or walking. BNCB

Tie up your shoes otherwise you cannot walk properly. Lingea

For small children it is not easy to tie up their shoes because most of them do not know how to do it. Wasp

tight trousers

těsné kalhoty

He saluted a little man in tight trousers and a yachting cap, standing by a boat pulled up on the bank. BNCB

For women, tight trousers and top or a leotard or swimsuit; for men, swimming trunks would be ideal. BNCB

He watched with interest a young girl in front of him in tight trousers. BNCB

tighten one´s belt

utáhnout si opasek, uskromnit se

If we want to going on a holiday to Europe this year we will have to tighten our belts and begin to save some money. IC

I've had to tighten my belt since I stopped working full-time. CIDI

When my father died, we had to tighten our belts to survive. BNC-B

top hat


The tall lantern jawed villain in top hat and tails plays an organ. BNCB

When he came home he found her peering into the well of his top hat. BNCB

He looked down at Harriet's motionless body and took off his top hat. BNCB

toreador pants

tříčtvrťáky, kalhoty do půl lýtek

Whenever it is warm, he is wearing his toreador pants to attract girls. Lingea

It is very comfortable to wear toreador pants in summer. IE

John likes wearing toreador pants but they are out of fashion now. IE