úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.42
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)


ušitý na míru

We offer tailor-made solutions.

tailor-made package

package, service made to suit our personal specifications and needs

tailor-made holiday

take a licking

"schytať to"

1. He put on a brave face to Sunday Express readers: "I hope it will be believed that the Arsenal can take a licking as well as any other club." BNC

2. Laptops take a licking and keep on ticking. Google

3. Their latest album took a licking from the critics, but it`s selling well. CIDoI

talk shop

baviť sa o práci

1. He smiled at her, thinking what a treat it was to talk shop with someone as beautiful and intelligent as this. BNC

2. From time to time, taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other's work and publications. BNC

3. This would enable a tough general manager to ensure that medical audit did not become simply a talk shop or token activity. BNC

tax haven

daňový ráj (země s nízkými daněmi)

Switzerland is a tax haven for some people.

the big daddy

najväčší vo svojej oblasti

1. WordPerfect is the big daddy of the DOS word processing world. BNC

2. It´s the largest electroncs company in the world - the big daddy of them all.  CIDoI

3. Shamu the killer whale is the big daddy of the aquarium. CIDoI

the big time

časy najväčšej slávy

1. After a succession of jobs as bellhop, waiter, car-park attendant, like a bit-part actor who finally made the big time in this aquatic Hollywood, he has built a career out of surfing big waves. BNC

2. Lennie knows he hasn't any time to play with if Boro are to stay in the big time. BNC

3. The band is hoping to return to the big time. CIDoI

the boys in blue


1. Two dozen boys in blue arrive in full riot gear. BNC

2. You should have a bit more respect for the boys in blue. BNC

3.  could stake myself out and let Nevil come for me, relying on Malpass and the boys in blue to arrive in the nick of time. BNC

the first rung on the ladder

prvá pozícia, prvé miesto

1. That is the first rung on the ladder of karate learning for the black belt. BNC

2. She welcomes discomfort, counts hostile situations and relishes third world countries, for she is drive by her life long ambition to be a travel photographer and this trip marked the first rung on the ladder. BNC

3. Just as the believer in Christ seeks to rise through the historical Son of man to the Son of God, so also in scripture the literal sense is the first rung on the ladder to the eternal spiritual meaning. BNC

the grass roots

členovia (spoločenskej alebo politickej organizácie)

1. Politically, the organisation says its grass roots are in working class Labour-voting families. BNC

2. During a debate on party organisation, some representatives complained that Conservative Central Office was not providing Tory workers with the necessary back-up to sustain and win support at the grass roots. BNC

3. The same principles work through the grass roots of a party. BNC

the gravy train

zlatá baňa na peniaze

1. Even if 3D snapshooting does catch on, and the company's hits its target of between 3 and 5 per cent of the world domestic snapshot market by 1985, there may still be no gravy train for Nimslo's backers. BNC

2. The recession abruptly derailed the gravy train on which most in the record industry had ridden through the 1970s; the generous salaries, inflated expenses and transcontinental junkets. BNC

3. A lot of people thought they`d get on the gravy train in the eighties and make some money out of property. CIDoI

the great and the good

doležití ľudia

1. The great and the good depicted include Henry VII and on the right we have the most fearsome devil you ever saw. BNC

2.  For the trouble with the great and the good is that we expect them to be on duty the whole time.BNC

3. Such a reform would be welcome indeed and would remove the existing bias towards the great and the good; but would it enable the broadcasting authorities to be more assertive in their dealings with governments? BNC

the high and mighty

"doležití ľudia"

1. By then it was too late to try and change her policy, for the overseer seemed to have taken a real dislike to her, watching for any slip she made, so that he could punish her for being high and mighty as he called it. BNC

2. This club are a serious inconvenience to the high and mighty through having a home in one of England's most remote corners. BNC

3. Well, Emily can be a bit high and mighty herself at times. BNC

the high ground

v dobrej situácii, pozícii

1. At premium prices, the independent papers are opting firmly for the high ground. BNC

2. Maybe it was because she had the advantage of the high ground and was looking down on me. BNC

3. Make the most of the high ground. BNC

the hot ticket

niečo, čo je v kurze, veľmi populárne

1. The Warren Beatty film which has been a year in the making and give years in the planning is this summer's hot ticket. BNC

2. At the beginning of the previous month, he had given a reading in New York where one observer described him as a hot ticket. BNC

3. Fashion writers predict that ankle-strap shoes will be the hot ticket this fall. CIDoI