terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024 às 16:04
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: WORK & LEISURE

the top dog


1. No wonder he was such a top dog in the City if he wielded this calibre of authority merely via the passive act of listening! BNC

2. But he always wanted to be the one in control, the top dog, to be the one who could take off on a whim and relate his volatility to democratic individual freedom to do as one pleased; a special privilege to which only Americans were supposed to be entitled. BNC

3. Jackson was top dog and he made sure he got what he wanted.CIDoI

the top of the tree

najvyššia pozícia (pracovná)

1. The final qualification is that a print-maker, to reach the very top of the tree, must be known and appreciated by the Japanese. BNC

2. Whoever the caddie, the money will have been well earned; it is a safe bet that he or she will have had to struggle as hard as his or her player to get to the top of the tree --; while carrying forty-five pounds of dead-weight on his back for four miles and four hours as well! BNC

3. Who would have guessed that she would get to the top of the tree before her clever and talented brother? CIDoI

think big

mať veľké plány

1. When it comes to starting your own business, it can pay to think big. CIDoI

2. The task now imposed on everyone, and especially those preparing to spend the weekend in Strasbourg, is to think big and flexibly about Europe's future. BNC

3. As The Smiths grew in commercial stature, so they encountered more and more professional people, especially in America, and these people constantly told the band to think big, to think mega, to evolve into a major international unit. BNC

tighten one´s belt

utiahnuť si opasok

1. An annual season ticket in the region currently costs about GBP800 . - People are having to tighten their belts, said a BR spokesman. WASPS

2. We have to do our best to pull ourselves out of this recession and tighten our belts. WASPS

3. We will tighten the government 's belt and loosen the belt on the people. WASPS

to backfire

It backfired (ztroskotat, selhat) because the Japanese executives were eager to visit the USA and were was turned off by the Americans' lack of patience in building a rapport between the companies.

to be snowed under

být zavalený (prací)


You wouldn't believe the amount of work we have got. We're completely snowed under.

to clock off

píchnout si při odchodu (z práce)

When I leave work, I have to clock off.

to close ranks

spojit síly

It's time for us to close ranks and go to battle. (Google)

In the past, the party would have closed ranks around its leader and defended him loyally against his critics. (thefreedictionary)

Wales players close ranks on Ruddock exit.(Google)

to conclude a contract

uzavřít smlouvu

"The parties have concluded a contract"

to construe

France: Always remain calm, polite and courteous during business meetings. Never appear overly friendly, because this could be construed (chápat, vyvozovat) as suspicious.

to downsize

to cut the workforce of

We will downsize for maximum efficiency.

to draft a contract

předložit návrh dohody/smlouvy

to flounder

The French will revert (vrátit se k) to English if they see you floundering (plácat se, breptat, váznout).

to get a chop

when a company gets a chop, it is either downsized or swallowed up by another company

to go out of business

zkrachovat, zbankrotovat, skončit

They're going out of business and are having a closing down sale.