mardi 16 juillet 2024, 13:35
Site: OpenMoodle
Cours: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

take a quick break

krátce se někde zastavit, udělat si krátkou přestávku

1. Take a quick break in the indoor pool, sauna, and whirlpool. WebC

2. The crib provides a safe sleeping environment as well as a safe place to put the baby when the phone rings or when parents just need to take a quick break. WebC

3. Study for a while, then take a quick break and pick up where you left off. WebC

take sb round

provést někoho

1. The gracious painter took him round his studio. WebC

2. On Monday Jennifer Park took him round the sights of Vancouver, followed by a meal. WebC

3. He took her round room by room, drawing room, lounge, the little security cupboard, library, the kitchen and its various larders and storage. WebC

take stock

dělat inventuru; bilancovat, zvážit situaci a možnosti

Take stock of your financial position, in particular reviewing your pension plans.

The main aim of the seminar was to take stock of the situation as regards equality at school and the changes in the overall context it belongs to.

Now's a great time to take stock and plan.

take the waters

pít léčivé prameny

1. Come and take the waters and feel new. WebC

2. Turn of the century visitors to Eureka Springs came to take the waters, and many bath houses and spas were built to accomodate them. WebC

3. Montezuma was said to take the waters at Tehuacan to build his strength before battling Cortes. WebC

teeming with life

překypující životem

1. The parcel slopes gradually toward the Scarborough River Estuary where two large ponds can be found teeming with life. WebC

2. The sea is alive, teeming with fish, teeming with life. WebC

3. Billions of years ago, many believe, Mars was warm, wet, and quite possibly teeming with life. WebC

texture the landscape

strukturovat krajinu

1. Bold granitic domes, spires, and plunging gorges texture the landscape. WebC

2. Sylvan woodlands, pastoral meadows, grasslands, low mountains, hills, and shallow valleys texture the landscape. WebC

3. Bundles of rolled hay dot the hills and texture the landscape. WebC

theme park

turistická atrakce v přírodě

1. You are a team of theme park designers assigned to build a new music theme park in your city. WebC

2. Unique theme park centered around trees and horticulture in a mid-20th century Silicon Valley historical setting. WebC

3. Paultons Park is a fun family day out theme park with rides and attractions in the New Forest, Hampshire. WebC

tombs of the most famous

hrobky, hroby nejslavnějších

1. We finish at Santa Croce Church, one of the most important in Florence containing the tombs of the most famous Florentine citizens. WebC

2. It is really beautiful and you can imagine what was inside the other tombs of the most famous Pharaohs before the pillars came inside. WebC

3. The cemetery features beautiful centuries old trees and the tombs of the most famous
people who ever lived in Paris. WebC

torture chamber


1. The scene takes place in a torture chamber in a museum on Mont St Michel, an island off the coast of France. WebC

2. This is an unusually explicit and comprehensive testimony, probably unique in its detail about what's going on in a torture chamber. WebC

3. It was exactly like being imprisoned in a torture chamber for fourteen hours. WebC

tour guide

průvodce turistů

1. If you are considering a tour guide, do a search on the the message board to see if someone has reviewed the guide. WebC

2. Family accuses tour guide of killing 80-year-old man. WebC

3. He is the best tour guide that I have ever worked with and I know he will be a valuable asset to your tour. WebC

tourist attraction

turistická atrakce

1. What is the most frequently visited tourist attraction in the US? WebC

2. A man has become a tourist attraction in the Dominican Republic after admitting himself to hospital with an erection that had lasted six days. WebC

3. The aviation museum at Point Cook, put into public hands yesterday, could become an international tourist attraction, the Federal Government has predicted. WebC

tourist facilities

turistická zařízení

1. New tourist facilities have just been constructed here and all modern conveniences have been installed. WebC

2. Sanur offers many good hotels, restaurant, shops and other tourist facilities. It is only a short distance from Denpasar. WebC

3. The emphasis is on providing high quality tourist facilities in a beautiful environment. WebC

tourist fatigue

únava účastníků zájezdu způsobená příliš náročným programem

1. Tourist fatigue had set in; we viewed the remaining tour highlights from our seats. WebC

2. But I did see the beginning signs of tourist fatigue in Bodrum as well. WebC

3. Either I was experiencing tourist fatigue and starting to find everything funny, or Kölners have a good sense of humor about things. WebC

tourist information

turistické informace

1. The top level map of Norway contains pointers to other tourist information about sites and cities in Norway. WebC

2. Here You can find tourist-information about Vienna, photos, how to drink coffee
in Vienna, Danube boat tours, link-directory, message-board and much more! WebC

3. Pick up our popular brochure at a local tourist information centre or use our online
contact form Click here for our Secure Payment Service. WebC

tourist leaflets

letáky pro turisty

1. The free of charge tourist leaflets featuring places of interest in English, French, Dutch and German are available. WebC

2. You can take away a range of tourist leaflets, local guide books and maps. WebC

3. As we have seen in this case, newspaper advertising was proving ineffective while advertising directly through tourist leaflets had a better effect. WebC