úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.38
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: HEALTH

take a (deep) breath

ndechnout se (zhluboka)

Maidstone paused and took a deep breath. (BNC)

She held the doorhandle, took a deep breath, and opened the door. (BNC)

 took a deep breath and said, yes, all right, he could borrow mine. (BNC)

take sb`s (own) life

vzít si život, spáchat sebevraždu

He took his own life because of her. (Lingea)

But it's still a mystery why Pamela Wray took her life. (BNC)

 One month after Pamela took her life, her family is still searching for a reason. (BNC)

take sb`s breath away

vyrazit/vzít někomu dech co

The beauty of the Taj Mahal took my breath away.(CIDI)

The news took my breath away. (BNC)

And if they don't take your breath away the scenery certainly will. (BNC)

take sb`s life

zabít, vzít někomu život

We say he took her life and then made it look as if it was suicide. (BNC)

Opening the prosecution case at Liverpool Crown Court, Mr Klevan alleged that Gilfoyle, a former private in the Royal Army Medical Corps, `;took her life and thereafter made it look as if it were suicide.' (BNC)

He took her life… evil. (BNC)

take sb`s temperature

měřit někomu teplotu

Every hour after the operation, a nurse took his temperature and plotted it on a progress' graph. (BNC)

He was looking very hot and flushed in woodwork just now, and I sent him along to Mrs C. She took his temperature --; about the only thing she can do --; and sent him to bed.'; (BNC)

 My mother was reading to me from A Sporting Trip Through Abyssinia, and I can remember exactly where she had got to in the book when, thinking I looked feverish, she took my temperature and put me to bed. (BNC)

take sick


He took sick and died a week later. (LDCE)

Edna's had to go home because Mum's been took sick. (BNC)

Well,'; he began hesitantly, `;it all began when Una took sick and we had to get the doctor…'; (BNC)

teaching hospital

fakultní nemocnice

It aims to echo in industry the teaching hospital experience available to young doctors. (BNC)

I hurt my wrist in a fall recently and had to go to hospital, which is a teaching hospital. (BNC)

The hospital will be a public voluntary teaching hospital and will include a nursing school. (BNC)

That`s life! /This is the life!

Takový je život!

I am very sorry that John has lost his job, but then that`s life these days. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Sun, sand and cocktails - this is the life! (CIDI)

Whenever Maurice has bad luck, he says, "Ah, that's life." (W.Magnuson)

the kiss of life

umělé dýchání, dýchání z úst do úst

Why didn't you at least try to resuscitate her, give her the kiss of life? (BNC)

The kiss of life that was too late. (BNC)

 The officer gave her the kiss of life for five minutes before she showed signs of life. (BNC) 

the next life

posmrtný život, příští / další život

 I came to tell you that in the next life you won't return to Earth.(BNC)

I want us to be together in the next life.(BNC)

I'm preparing myself for the next life. (BNC)

the wisdom teeth

zuby moudrosti

She's having her wisdom teeth out.(CALD)

Sometimes you have wisdom teeth that have hung on in there for so long they won't come out and just lounge about on the X-rays, flicking V-signs. (BNC)

And you don't get your wisdom teeth until you're eighteen, at least. (BNC)

to death

k smrti, na smrt (vyděšený, unavený, znuděný...)

Why didn't you ring and say you were going to be late? I was worried to death.(CIDI)

You must be bored to death, sitting here all day with nothing to do.(CIDI)

I've been worried to death over you', I says, `wondering where you was'.(BNC)

turn a blind eye to st

přivřít oči nad, přehlížet, tolerovat co

The boss knows that we often waste time chatting, but she just turns a blind eye to it. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Management often turn a blind eye to bullying in the workplace.(CALD)

I knew Kenny was taking the money but I turned a blind eye because he was my sister's child.(CIDI)

turn a deaf ear to st

ignorovat něco, dělat, že neslyším, přeslechnout (př. kritiku)

I told Mark to stop parking his car in front of our drive, but he just turned a deaf ear to it. (English Idioms, Oxford)

In the past they've tended to turn a deaf ear to such requests.(CIDI)

 On these occasions the Chairman is wise to turn a deaf ear to the interruption. (BNC)