utorok, 16 júla 2024, 15:40
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: SPORT

transfer bid

nabídka k přestupu

Sunderland have accepted a transfer bid from Crewe for midfielder Chris Lumsdon. Google

Valdano revealed that Madrid’s transfer bid for Beckham was significantly less than the fee offered by La Liga rivals Barcelona, but it was Beckham’s own desire to switch to Real that had ensured the deal went through. Google

Ricketts, subject of an apparently laughable transfer bid from Tottenham to take him to White Hart Lane last week, converted a 56th minute penalty to give Bolton their first points of the new campaign. Google

transfer fee

přestupová částka, částka za přestup

It was there that Jackson signed for Huddersfield, at a transfer fee of  £2,500. BNCB

Meanwhile, Swindon celebrated promotion to the Premier League today by breaking their own club record transfer fee. BNCB

Incidentally, the papers give Kerslake's transfer fee as 450,000 -- that's 50,000 less than we bought him for. BNCB

trial heat

rozběh, rozplavba

Shaw ran 8.81 in the trial heat. Google

Nevertheless, Kahanamoku easily qualified for the U.S. Olympic swimming team in 1912, breaking the record for the 200 meter freestyle in his trial heat for the 4×200 relay. Google

The first event was a trial heat in the 100-meter dash. Google

triple jump


There will still be a strong North-East contingent, however, including Edwards in the triple jump, Colin Walker in the 5,000 metres and Tony Morrell in the 1500 metres. BNCB

His first triple jump of the year is likely to be in Jena, germany, on May 28. BNCB

The World Cup triple jump bronze medallist has decided to run in the 100 metres at the Cleveland County Stadium on Saturday instead of going through the motions in what would have been a practice trial in his specialist event. BNCB

triple jumper


Great Britain international triple jumper Jonathan Edwards, who set a new 100 metres record in the North-east Championship at Middlesbrough, will renew his rivalry with Cramlington's David Lawson, beaten by a metre in their clash at Clairville. BNCB

The triple jump has been included in the Olympic Games since its first celebration in 1896; in fact, the first Olympic Champion, James Connolly was a triple jumper. Google

Paul Morris, a Birchfield triple jumper, reckoned that, after he and some others at his Handsworth school dropped some sports in order to devote more time to GCE preparations, the PE teacher reacted angrily. BNCB

two-line pass

přihrávka přes dvě čáry; přihrávka přes dvě

If a pass between two players travels over the red line and one or more blue lines it is a two-line pass. Google

Back in 1942 the NHL came in with the red line or center line which prevented players from making two line passes. Google

You can keep your archaic two-line pass rule, in which a pass cannot cross two lines. Google

two-way contract

dvoucestná smlouva

Was he signed on a two-way contract with the Avs, or just a minor league deal with Hershey? Google

The union no doubt wants to tie eligibility into how many NHL games players skated in this season, but NHL owners should demand the ability to send any player with a two-way contract to the AHL. Google

The two way contract Clarke originally offered ($8.5million/$85k if sent to the minors) is very telling as to Clarke's true colours. Google

tyre warmer

dečka na zachřátí pneumatiky

Before you pull up to the start line you'll be on cold tyres (unless you have a tyre warmer that is). Google

Our MAXIMA tyre warmer is characterized by the highest efficiency and technical quality, and is used by 8 World Superbike teams. Google

I have tried every mountain bike tyre warmer and this is almost the best. Google