úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.19
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

team of authors

- autorský kolektiv

1. It was a great pleasure to meet the team of authors and please thank Susan Parks for giving up so much of her time to devote to going through the manuscripts. BNC

2. Written by a team of authors including Charles, Fürst von Schwarzenberg, one of President Havel's closest advisers since 1990, this book is a thorough pictorial survey of the castle which is not just a palace but a complex containing the Library, the basilica of St George, the cathedral of St Guy, the chapel of St Wenceslas and the National Gallery of Prague. BNC

3. Macdonell's description of a village cricket match against a team of authors, most of them recognizable characters in Squire's own team, 'The Invalids', became required reading. BNC

tear jerker

- doják

1. Miss Yonge, author of the famous tear jerker, The Heir of Redclyffe was no less devout, but belonged to the High Church party and practised greater moderation. BNC

2. Yesterday's episode was a a bit of a tear jerker, with how everyone was reacting to Kassy getting killed. WebC

3. Message in a Bottle is a real tear jerker. WebC

technical fault

- technická porucha

1. The government attributed the crash to a technical fault, but foreign diplomats speculate that the helicopter was shot down by a Blowpipe. BNC

2. Susan and Barbara fear some alien intelligence has invaded the ship; Ian is more practical and is convinced there is simply a technical fault. BNC

3. The two had battled it out in the scoring and until the final vote from the Maltese jury, filing later than scheduled because of a technical fault, either could have won. BNC

television addict/maniac

- posedlý televizí/televizní maniak

1. A bundle of light fibres, which together forms a cable smaller in diameter than a coaxial wire, can carry several hundred TV channels; more than even the most hardened television addict will ever require. BNC

2. If children regularly say, I am bored or show an inability to amuse themselves, then they are television addicts and the only cure is to pull the plug on the TV for a significant period of time. WebC

3. A television addict sat dimly in front of the television screen. WebC

television licence

- tv koncese

1. Of course, buying a television means you will need a television licence as well. BNC

2. I've never yet met a claimant who could afford a television licence. BNC

3. A BBC-approved Teletext circuit board which can be supplied by GL Software if the customer prefers; a television aerial and colour television licence are also needed. BNC

tell lies

- říkat nepravdy, lži

1. On the second day of the trail the trial rather the prosecution said that in interviews with the police the pair had demonstrated a fluent capacity to tell lies. BNC

2. Fabia blenched, caught out, hating having to tell lies but, having started on a path of misleading her parent, forced to go on.

3. In Bennett v. Bale the defendant had invited a person to tell lies to disguise what he believed had been the commission of a licensing offence. BNC

The news is biased.

- Zprávy jsou zkreslené.

1. Different people, same complaint: the news is biased. WebC

2. Topics of the Day: Is the news media biased? WebC

3. I am so sick and tired of hearing from my left-leaning friends about how Fox News is so biased, and a joke, and all that crap. WebC

the point at issue

- diskutovaná záležitost, probíraná věc

1. You may need to remind the Chair of the length of the agenda or the point at issue if a speaker is not keeping to the matter at issue. BNC

2. If it strikes you this way, let me remind you that Peter's particular values are not the point at issue, and invite you to sit down quietly and compose your own, very different equivalent. BNC

3. In the 1930s and 1940s, question time was largely dominated by backbenchers, and those concerned with the point at issue were left to press their interrogation or were supported by others with a similar grievance. BNC

tighten up

- sestřihat; zkrátit střihem

1. The FA's commercial director Trevor Phillips said: 'I am looking to end this deal with Watershed, tighten up the release of film, which will help prevent such ad hoc videos being made.' BNC

2. The purpose of the questionnaire will help us to tighten up the wording. BNC

3. This problem is common with fine lines when you tie any type of knot which entails pulling the line above the hook to tighten up the knot. BNC

time signal

- časové znamení

radio station which reports the city's traffic jams locked below. BNC

3. Standard frequency stations transmit pratically continuously standard time intervals, standard radio frequences, time announcements time signal and radio propagation forecasts. WebC

touch up

- opravit, upravit, zpracovat

1. When Betty Marsden positioned herself in front of the microphone, that was the moment he chose to touch up her bottom. BNC

2. Someone suggested she touch up her lipstick, but make-up only made her look more than ever like the Spitting Image puppet of Bette Midler. BNC

3. It is not primarily intended as a program in which to create bitmaps, but rather to touch up and enhance images acquired from other sources, which includes a quite powerful scanning facility. BNC

touching story

- dojímavý příběh

1. Marcos fairy tale A touching story has reached me from the Manila Times of how Ferdinand Marcos had planned to bequeath more than £2.5bn in gold to his beloved people, but fell ill before he could sign the will. BNC

2. That's a very touching story, but it'll take a little more than that to convince me that you weren't heading for the exit. BNC



- bezporuchový, bezproblémový

1. At least London's Notting Hill Carnival got off to a trouble-free start. BNC

2. British Rail tell us that the 6.30 Aylesbury to Marylebone train service has been cancelled this evening, while the buses continue to operate a trouble-free service. BNC

3. Butyl is the best liner to work with because it's more flexible, and you can expect many trouble-free years from it provided you don't assume it's immune to damage. BNC

tune in (to a station)

- naladit (stanici)

1. Tune in to Richard Jackson on Radio 5's Morning Edition every Saturday at 8.45am. BNC

2. Around 12 million more will tune in to watch or listen to the Boat Race. BNC

3. Thousands turn up for parties every weekend and tune in to the national radio show he does with Djaimin. BNC

Turn it down.

- Ztlum to. Zeslab to.

1. Turn it down a bit I'm expecting a phone call in a minute. BNC

2. I said turn it down, you'll upset Tom and Jackie. BNC

3. Turn it Down, Please. I like Zuni, but where is the loud music coming from? BNC