utorok, 16 júla 2024, 15:52
Portál: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

to drill for oil

hledat naftu, vrtat

US oil giant Chevron drilled for oil off the coast of Ireland in the late 1980s. (BNCI)

We drill for oil using a special drill bit. It rotates like the power tools we use to drill into wood.(BNCI)

Should the US government drill for oil in Alaska's protected lands?(BNCI)

to enter into politics

vstoupit do politiky

John Morton was reared on a farm, yet with the help of his stepfather, he became a surveyor before he entered into politics. (Google)

It was only at the age of forty, however, that he entered into politics as a member of the city's board of alderman. (Google)

She herself "entered into politics not because of feminism, but because my husband was in politics and encouraged me to join. I wanted to be useful to people." (Google)

to erase a file

smazat soubor

How do I Erase a File that has an Illegal Name?(Google)

Make sure that when you want to really erase a file, no fragments of that file still exist! (Google)

The only way to completely erase a file with no trace is to overwrite the data.(Google)

to exert an influence

mít, uplatnit vliv

The procedure was also designed to exert an influence on the parents. (BNCI)

UK companies are able to influence the content of the evolving Community rules through their representative institutions, which in turn exert an influence on the Council, Commission and European Parliament.(BNCI)

He certainly exerted influence on those Evangelicals who adhered to the older, more sober tradition. (BNCI)

to face a backlash

čelit odporu, prudké reakci

1. They faced a backlash against the new laws.(Cambridge Advanced Dictionary)

2. Liberal Democrat MPs were later warned they could face a backlash in the country if their votes save Mr Major. (BNCI)

3.  An unofficial poll taken by the Jerusalem Post (www.jpost.com) out of Israel found 79% of Israelis, (7,146 votes cast) think Israel will face a backlash if the United States attacks Muslim targets.(WebCorp)

to fulfill pledge

splnit slib

Blair anable to fulfil pledge on health spending,says analysis.(Google)

Union struggles to fulfil pledge to put green issues at heart of policy-making.(WebCorp)

Britain asks Pak to fulfil pledge to stop infiltration.(WebCorp)

to gain a seat

získat křeslo

In addition they could have gained a seat in Belfast West if Republican Clubs supporters had transferred to SDLP in that constituency as well. (BNCI)

The move marks the first time a non-traditional bookmaker has gained a seat on the committee, which acts as a mediator between Parliament and the industry. (Google)

In 1994, Kucinich made a political comeback, winning election to the Ohio Senate. He gained a seat in Congress in 1996.(Google)

to get down to business

pustit se do práce

I have a plane to catch, so let’s get down to business.(Macmillan Dictionary)

If the introductions are over I'd like to get down to business.(Cambridge Dictionary)

I suggest we make ourselves comfortable and get down to business.(BNCI)

to go about one's business

jít si po svém, pokračovat v něčem jak jeI

n spite of last night's terrorist attack, most people seem to be going about their business as if nothing had happened. (Cambridge Dictionary)

The street was full of people innocently going about their business.(Macmillan Dictionary)

I'd rather bed with the Devil than you, so go about your business and leave me alone.(BNCI)

to go into politics

vstoupit do politiky

You had to go into politics if you wanted to change the world. (BNCI)

It is worth remembering that, when Indira asked Rajiv to go into politics after his elder brother's death in 1980, he put out a statement saying that he had no such intention.(BNCI)

She gave the young MacGregor a book on Parliament but he did not read it at the time, and he cannot trace his decision to go into politics back to that. (BNCI)

to go like a bomb

šlapat jedna radost, jít rychle

And when she worked here, she had her daughter working with her and they were a team and they went like a bomb. (BNCI)

His new car goes like a bomb. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Let's see things take off and go like a bomb, because there's a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done! (Google)

to go out of business

zkrachovat, zbankrotovat, skončit podnikání

Pub owners in cities with blanket smoking bans tell a similar story. According to the Pub and Bar Coalition of Canada (Pubco), 60 bars went out of business following a ban in Ottawa in August 2001.(WebCorp)

In looking at the following data, please keep in mind that Carolina Sports Club and Marketing Direct went out of business in 2003.(WebCorp)

When the Crash happened, people rushed to sell their shares and companies went out of business. Workers were made unemployed or their wages were cut. (WebCorp)

to go to the polls

jít k volbám

As Namibians prepare to go to the polls on November 30 and December 1, the ruling South West Africa People's Organisation (SWAPO) is largely expected to win for the third time running, but the newly formed Congress of Democrats (CoD) is likely to upset its chances of getting a two thirds majority.(Google)

Pakistan prepares to go to the polls. Last-minute preparations are underway for general elections in Pakistan - the first since a military coup in 1999. (Google)
Israelis go to the polls on Tuesday to vote for prime minister and a new ruling party. A whopping 28 parties are running, but many Israelis are as yet undecided about how they will vote, reflecting widespread confusion and frustration over the deadlock on the peace and domestic problems.(Google)

to hand in one's resignation

podat demisi

He has a month to hand in his resignation and he has a right to appeal to the Queen.(BNCI)

The minister, who had radically restructured French research and technology, actually handed in his resignation on 2 February after a clash with President Francois Mitterrand --; but it only became public last week. (BNCI)

The Defence Minister, Italo Argentino Lúder, 73, on Jan. 24 handed in his resignation to President Carlos Saúl Menem, an action which he described as" irrevocable". (BNCI)

to have a clearly defined policy

mít ujasněný plán, strategii

"The school has a clearly defined policy on drug-related issues."(Google)

What we can learn from this case is that it is imperative that an employer has a clearly defined policy regarding health coverage continuation during a leave of absence. (Google)

In order to attract investments, you have to convince the investors that the country has a clearly defined policy for next 10-20 years. (Gogle)