úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.42
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

take a sledgehammer to crack/break a walnut/nut

vynakládat zbytečnou námahu na vyřešení jednoduchého problému

Three men spent all day yesterday mending my telephone. One man could done the job in half an hour. It was like taking a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. Longman

take the biscuit

vyhrát to na celé čáře; that takes the biscuit = to je vrchol

Well, that really takes the biscuit! She asks if she can borrow the car, then keeps it for a month!

take the cake

hovor. zvítězit, vyhrát, předstihnout zvl. v pošetilosti; that takes the cake! žert. to je vrchol!

tart, adj.; tart,n.

trpký; ovocný koláček

that's nuts to him

to je něco pro něho

that's the way the cookie crumbles

tak to na světě chodí, tak už to je

She met somebody else and left me. That's the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose. (Oxford Idioms)

the fat is in the fire

je oheň na steše, teď půjde do tuhého, to bude mela

The fat's in the fire now. Jim has just told his wife that he has taken a job in another town without mentioning it to her first. (Oxford Idioms)

there's no such thing as free lunch

bez práce nejsou koláče, zadarmo ani kuře nehrabe

I think you should be very careful about accepting his help. Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch. (Oxford Idioms)

think o.s. no small potato

považovat se za velkého pupíka

too many cooks spoil the broth

Mnoho psů zajícova smrt. Příliš mnoho kuchařů přesolí polévku.

On the premise that "too many cooks spoil the broth", he asks us to reiterate that day to day management of the Village is in the hands of the Warden, Mrs. Pat Holmes, and any guidance, questions or advice on such matters should be addressed to her in the first instance. BNC

Contrasting proverbs with ponderous prose offers a way in:" too many cooks spoil the broth" is a far more expressive way of saying:" Over-maximization of the work force is counter-productive because it inhibits the realization of a satisfactory outcome." BNC



tough cookie/customer

člověk s kterým nejsou žádný žerty, neurvalec, rabiják

Self-confident, ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well. (Oxford Idioms)

turnip; cabbage turnip

kedlubturinbrukev, kedlubna; tuřín, řepa