úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.52
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

under one’s nose

přímo pod nosem

As the traveller in jelly walked in to take his seat, head down as though the floor were a road map, something pink was in evidence under his nose. When he sat, it revealed itself as a sticking-plaster, like a small moustache.

Karen wouldn’t commit adultery behind Dennis’s back, but there was nothing that excited her more than doing it under his nose.

That’s what they all say. The strong man lit a cigarette. It looked too frail for his hand. They looked like King Kong and Fay Wray, that hand, that cigarette. There was a movie going on right under his nose and he didn’t even know. The guy had about one brain cell and he was doing time in it.

Christie, whose normal appearance fee of £10,000 has now been doubled because of his Olympic success, was offered around £30,000 to go to Switzerland . Now, with the Japanese brandishing megabucks under his nose, Christie looks increasingly likely to head off for the Far East en route to the World Cup final in Havana a week later.


up to one’s ears in

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The glamorous Tyneside girls measure their success in degrees both on and off the stage. Kerry Lee and her sister Janine known in clubland as Ritzy have been up to their ears in exams of late. Janine is at Leeds University studying for a B.A Ed and big sister Kerry is studying psychology at Newcastle .

She was up to her ears in love with Naylor Massingham, and there wasn’t a single solitary thing she could do about it.

I’m up to my ears in work here, not least amongst my worries being a meeting at three of Headquarters staff at SHAEF presided over by General Eisenhower himself.