úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.16
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

venue of festivals

dějiště festivalů

1. According to Hindu scriptures, the mountain was the venue of festivals and fairs of the Yadavas. WebC

2. This is the venue of festivals, concerts, fairs, rallies, meetings, and other public events. WebC

3. Liepaja is the venue of festivals and sports competitions, people enjoy the white sandy beach and relax in the shade of the linden trees. WebC

vibrant people

lidé plní života

1. Well, this mixture is the charm of Lisbon, a vibrant city with vibrant people and a vibrant way of living. WebC

2. Our nation is endowed with natural resources, vibrant people and traditional value system. WebC

3. Four-hundred years ago, when we were being brought here, we were strong, fit, healthy, vibrant people. WebC

village maypole

vesnická májka

1. It was tradition for villagers to go before dawn, on the eve of May First, in search of a tree that could become the village Maypole. WebC

2. Like many traditional village Maypole ceremonies this practice died out in the 19th century. WebC

3. The fasting week will begin on May 1st with a special prayer and circle-dancing around the village maypole at Ickwell. WebC

violin maker

výrobce houslí

1. Oregon violin maker, Jonathan S. Franke, offers for sale fine modern violins, violas, and cellos. WebC

2. The violin maker is making it perfectly flat by means of a scraper, one of his many tools. WebC

3. Dorain Henderson is a Canadian violin maker who handcrafts violins in her home workshop in Halifax. WebC

visitors from all over the world

návštěvníci z celého světa

1. For many centuries, until today, Bali has attracted visitors from all over the world. WebC

2. The museum expects to attract New Yorkers and visitors from all over the world who are interested in architecture and urban studies. WebC

3. We get visitors from all over the world who come to a small working farm to see how the cheese is made. WebC

visual environment

vzhled okolí

1. The importance of an appropriate visual environment for learning tasks deserves careful consideration. WebC

2. One point being very important for the visual simulation of the virtual environment is the velocity profile of simulated rotations of the visual environment. WebC

3. The comfortable visual environment depends on vision, perception and what we want to see in different room configurations and for different activities. WebC