Dienstag, 16. Juli 2024, 13:51
Website: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

value added tax

daň z přidané hodnoty

1. The standard rate of income tax was lowered to 30 per cent,whereas the raising of value added tax and other indirect taxes switched tax policy to focus on expenditure.(Bonito)

2. The savings included a proposed two-year wage freeze, an increase in value added tax (VAT) to 22 per cent, and savings in the health and social affairs budget.(BNCI)

3.  Tax measures included the introduction of value added tax (VAT) on goods and services, and a reduction in the rates of personal income tax --; part of the reforms in the taxation system agreed with the IMF.(BNCI)

vote of confidence

hlasování o důvěře, vyslovení podpory

A Central Council meeting on 2 July passed off with some display of enthusiasm, and gave Baldwin a unanimous vote of confidence. (BNCI)

The Chancellor was thus in a much stronger position than under Weimar, and, additionally, he could request an early election if he asked for a vote of confidence and this was rejected by the Bundestag . (BNCI)

In May 1947, after mounting disagreements, the Communists refused to support the government in a vote of confidence and premier Paul Ramadier decided to expel them from office. (BNCI)