úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.48
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

Walls have ears.

Zdi mají uši.

Even the walls have ears, and that lady standing next to you tapping on her Blackberry might just be a reporter. (Google)

Do your walls have ears? It's a scary world out there, with a threat round every corner – and not just for characters in spy movies. (Google)

It is not good to speak of such things ... stone walls have ears. (Googlebooks)

We were just talking about you.

Právě jsme se o tobě bavili. (My o vlku..)

„Wow, funny you should come by just now, Charles, we were just talking about you. No, it was all good: we were just discussing the talk you gave." (Google)

In fact we were just talking about you the other day. Your ears were probably burning! (Google)

A Friend: "Hey! We were just talking about you!"
Me: "Oh...haha great. Do I want to know?"
Friend: "Oh we were just talking about how sweet you are and how anyone who doesn't get along with you must be pretty werid, because you're so easy to be around". (Google)

weigh one's words

vážit svá slova

So can you express yourself in 200 words? This is the maximum limit for a reflection. You have to weigh your words carefully. (Google)

Well here is a compilation of some reasons as to why you should always weigh your words before speaking.(Google)

Honestly, hot sexy sensual ladies are coming into hollywood by seconds, if she does not learn to weigh her words, she isn't staying for long. (Google)

well put

trefně, dobře vyjádřené

That's a well-put question. The short answer is: I don't think that in any previous Olympic Games there has been such a fixation on changing the host country. (Google)

Well put Colin. There are tremendous benefits to asking questions. (Google)

Well put. Which is the "Old Europe" and which the "New"? Perfect question. You couldn't have invoked those designations in a more appropriate context. (Google)

What's the magic word?

Jak se říká? (pobídka dětem aby poděkovaly nebo poprosily)

When my children asked for something, such as asking for ice-cream after dinner, I'd ask, “what's the magic word?” When he said “please”, he got ice-cream. (Google)

When I ask you, "What's the 'magic word'?", you say "Please". Got it? (Google)

The authors analyzed parental strategies for enforcing the production of politeness forms by their children (eg. what do you say? what's the magic word?). (Google)

whatever you say

je mi to jedno

Should we have Japanese or American food? Whatever you say! (Google)

We'll go in your car, Billy. --- ' Whatever you say'. (Google)

Whatever you say, of course, I 'm no judge of these things. (BNC)

Who do you think you are talking to?

S kým si myslíš, že mluvíš?

Gail looked at the child, and said sternly, "Who do you think you are talking to?! The child sheepishly looked down, and replied, "My shoe". (Google)

Who do you think you are talking to? Calm down and behave yourself! (Google)

Wait, who do you think you are talking to? You forget I make the rules here, do you? (Google)

won't budge/give an inch

nikdy neustúpi, nechce ustúpiť

'He never gives an inch,' he thought bitterly, not knowing that Jonadab was just as anxious over Elizabeth's labour as he was. (BNC)

Neither side wanted to give an inch but there was no unpleasantness either. (BNC)

Once on the ground again she tried pulling the horse, but still it would not budge an inch. (BNC)

word for word

doslovně, slovo od slova

The word for word translation, transliteration and summary of the contents will go a long way in understanding not only the beauty of the language and diction but also enjoy the rasas of ragas and the moods. (Google)

Children seldom misquote. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn't have said. (Google)

A word-for-word example of plagiarism is one in which the writer directly quotes a passage or passages from an author's work without the use of proper quotation marks. (Google)