úterý, 16. července 2024, 13.33
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: TRAVEL

walking holiday

dovolená strávená pěší turistikou

This was the last walking holiday the two brothers were ever to take together. BNC

I got to know it pretty well when I was living in Sheffield and I'd recommend anyone to take a walking holiday there. BNC

In fact there are so many great areas to take a walking holiday in the UK, it can be hard to decide exactly where to go. BNC

walking tour

pěší túra

Earlier this year I led a party of Americans on a walking tour in the Scottish Highlands. BNC

In the second week of August, filled by an idealistic vision of their future lives on the banks of the Susquehannah, Coleridge and Southey set out from Bristol on a walking tour into Somerset. BNC

My first experience of the Lake District was on a circular walking tour made over 25 years ago with two friends. BNC

warning triangle

výstražný trojúhelník

In some cases these are resurfaced using cobbles and in others they remain asphalt , with warning triangles painted on the road. WASPS

Always take care when putting a warning triangle behind your vehicle. WebC

On an expressway or a high speed road, do not attempt to place a warning triangle or any warning objects on the carriageway as it is a dangerous action and the objects placed may pose danger to other road users. WebC

weigh anchor

zvednout kotvy (kotvu), vyplout

On November 26 the large assembled Imperial Japanese fleet, led by Task Force Commander Vice-Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, weighed anchor in Hitokapu Bay and set course for Hawaii. BNC

We weighed anchor next morning and sailed down the fiord on a calm sea. BNC

On January 4th, 1999, we weighed anchor and headed for Cabo, the southern most tip of the Baja peninsula. WebC

wheel clamp

botička (na automobilu)

 Guisborough town councillors are considering buying a wheel clamp to stop illegal parking behind their Sunnyfield House Community Centre. BNC

The wheel clamp is extremely useful, because it is visible. BNC

The other suggestions included statutory licensing of wheel clamp operators and statutory licensing of land on which wheel clamps may be used. BNC

wilderness area

přírodní rezervace

 However because this is a true wilderness area and there is no bridge over the river, the water levels may be too high, giving you no option but to abort the trip. BNC

A beautiful wilderness area of mountains, rivers and marshes, it is the home of a great many birds and the most southerly station for some of the real Arctic species. BNC

The MTB Challenge is a two day self-supported trip across a wilderness area testing two-person teams, their bike skill, endurance and abilities to survive. BNC

window seat

sedadlo u okna

Luckily I found a window seat, as passengers with bags were struggling in. BNC

Economy Premium and Economy Standard passengers will have a window seat or the seat next to a window seat for half of the flight and an aisle seat for the other half of the flight. WebC

All Sovereign clients are guaranteed a window seat on our safari bus. WASPS

wing/side mirror

boční zrcátko

She glanced in the wing mirror as she pulled her car into the road. BNC

Police believe Tony was struck a glancing blow by the wing mirror of a transit-type van. BNC

As the car moved away from the Elizabethan pile Marler glanced in his wing mirror. BNC

work permit

pracovní povolení

You don't need a work permit for any of the member states, but the ability to speak the language fairly well is usually demanded. BNC

It would also help me to get a work permit for the British League next year. BNC

They have been able to work in government service, even in the army, and there has been no need for work permits. WASPS