úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.01
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: MEDIA

wide range of offerings

- široká nabídka

1. During the year, GTI added surface mount products for the mobile communications market as well as ISDN devices to its wide range of offerings, and opened a third manufacturing facility in China. BNC

2. Photography Done Digital offers a wide range of flexible services and packaged offerings that can meet any budget. WebC

3. Leading the PC industry with a wide range of offerings, Gateway's new digital video solutions provide a best-in-class offering for amateur home movie creators, enthusiasts and professional video creators and editors. WebC

widely read

- hojně čtený, rozšířený

1. Local newspapers are widely read and relatively cheap to advertise in. BNC

2. Editorial comment will be widely read and taken seriously, whilst favourable or unfavourable references to supplier companies tend to be spotted and remembered in the trade. WebC

3. Navy News is widely read both inside and outside the service and achieved a circulation of 100,000 in the mid-1980s. BNC

with never a dull moment

- ani s jedním nudným místem

1. The show which lasted three days, was full of action, with never a dull moment, as there was always things to see or do. WebC

2. Thundering hordes, psychological wrecks, cowering heroes, overpowering heroines – all will play their parts in this evening with never a dull moment. WebC

3. Eric Saward again showed that he can take all the best bits from the golden oldies and blend them with great skill into a serious piece of drama with never a dull moment and never a lapse in the dialogue. WebC

withdraw a film

- stáhnout film

1. You could, with proper legal authority, actually withdraw a film from distribution, if proper royalties for use of your underlying copyright are not paid. WebC

2. The participants agrees not to withdraw a film accepted for screening after one month prior to the commencement of Festival. WebC

3. Producer has a right to withdraw a film from Competitive Section of the Festival in case he does not agree to have changes in film or subtitles. WebC

withold information from sb

- zatajit informace před někým

1. In Wales Rhodri Morgan, the first minister, published a consultation document on the freedom of information code, announcing that in Wales government departments would have to prove "substantial prejudice" if they wanted to withold information from the public. WebC

2. The new Homeland Security Act contains huge exceptions to the Freedom of Information Act, allowing the government to withold information from the public as long as the information has to do with "criticial infrastructure information. BNC

3. This program, commonly referred to as a "Big Brother," is headed up by John Poindexter, the former Reagan-era National Security Advisor (he was the official who famously said that it was his duty to withold information from Congress). WebC

word for word

- slovo od slova

1. Many researchers are surprised and delighted at their ability to remember conversations almost word for word. BNC

2. Read out aloud, it seemed to bear out word for word what Alfred Wells had recalled on oath in court. BNC

3. Then the comrade had repeated, word for word, what he had just said. BNC

world service

- brit. vysílání pro zahraničí

1. The government has already promised extra cash to pay for longer transmissions for the BBC's World Service in Arabic and Persian. BNC

2. Today most of the hilltop is covered by the forest of aerials which is the BBC transmitting station for the World Service. BNC

3. We could pick up the World Service, Voice of America (VOA) and a number of local stations which broadcast in English and French. BNC

wrap it up

- skončit, zabalit to

1. Right, okay, I think we'll wrap it up there, thanks very much. BNC

2. We'll wrap it up tomorrow, together. BNC

3. I thought you wanted to wrap it up quickly. BNC