úterý, 16. července 2024, 14.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FOOD

wake up and smell the coffee

konečně otevřít oči, konečně se probudit

It's time to wake up and smell the coffee: you're not going to pass this course unless you start working harder. (Oxford Idioms)

watched pot never boils

nejlíněji se čas vleče, když čekáš

Looking out of the window won't make him arrive any quicker! Don't you know that a watched pot nver boils? (Oxford Idioms)

what's cooking

co se bude dít? co se chystá?

What's cooking in here? You all look very guilty. (Oxford Idioms)

whet someone's appetite

navnadit někoho, udělat na něco chuť

I’ve read only the first few pages of his book, but it was enough to whet my appetite . (Longman Dictionary)

They're for my father, not for me, and a change will undoubtedly whet his appetite.' BNC

The breweries section continues to expand, such is the growth in demand for real ale, and there are many new brews to whet the appetite. BNC

which accounts for the milk in the coconut

a teď je všechno jasné, teď jsem z vojny doma

whole milk

plnotučné mléko

Pastries, puddings cakes and sauces made with whole milk. BNC

If you sell farm butter and cheese instead of whole milk you can do well if you have the right market. BNC

Cottage or other low-fat cheese can be substituted for full-fat cheese; skimmed and semi-skimmed milk for whole milk. BNC

wine and dine (sb)

napájet, hostit

Our hosts wined and dined us very well. (Oxford Idioms)

with a grain/pinch of salt

s určitou výhradou, s rezervou, ne tak docela doslova

I would have thought Niki could take all these views of himself with a grain of salt. BNC

I have to take it with a grain of salt. BNC

If I were you, I’d take his advice with a pinch of salt. Macmillan Dictionary

work one's nut

lámat si kokos nad čím