neděle, 2. června 2024, 19.31
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLOTHES

fine-tooth comb

dělat něco velmi pečlivě

 My accountant is going over my tax return with a fine-tooth comb. (Free Dictionary)

He examined the figures with a fine-toothed comb but found no errors. (YourDictionary)

Immediately comb the hair with a fine tooth comb. (Google)

formal clothes

formální oblečení

The formal clothes should have made him look more urbane and civilised, but they didn't. BNCB

His clothes were in a heap, sadly formal clothes compared with hers, one sock suspender hanging from a chair-rail, a jacket sleeve turned inside out. BNCB

To leave the ever-present tension of Great Meadow was like shedding stiff, formal clothes or kicking off pinching shoes. BNCB

full skirt

kolová sukeň

A full skirt of crimson and black swelled over her hips and was lifted and pinned at one side to reveal a cascade of lacy petticoats. BNCB

She hitched the full skirt of her Summer dress up above her knees, and swung her long legs for him to see. BNCB

She felt the full skirt of her Summer dress being swept up to bare her silken thighs and round firm bottom. BNCB

follow fashion

sledovat módu

Adults follow fashion in clothes and social habits as assiduously as their children. BNCB

I usually follow fashion very slowly and creep in just as it starts to look dated, but then I think that's the way I should do it. BNCB

Richards is inclined to follow fashion in identifying `;the road lobby'; as a prime cause of our troubles when the great majority of people have access to a car and want to use it. BNCB

flat-heeled shoes

boty s nízkým podpadkem

One day at a time was how it now must be, and this one day she was adrift, tired and hungry, with new flat-heeled shoes that hurt like hell. BNCB

She wore a black sacklike dress, a large silver medallion on a chain, black nylon stockings and flat-heeled shoes. BNCB

Upstairs she changed into trousers and a light sweater and some flat-heeled shoes. BNCB

flared trousers

rozšířené zvonové kalhoty

In the beginning, more than fifteen years ago, when she was much slimmer and wore flared trousers, she seemed to enter a magnetic field whenever she came close to Tom. BNCB

Then he would don his man-made fibre flared trousers of airforce blue and a clean, ironed shirt and drive into the neighbouring town for the opening of the office. BNCB

Master administrator, father figure, the last hope for flared trousers, these are but a few of the attributes a manager must posses. BNCB

fasten one´s shoes

zavázat si boty

Well let mummy fasten your shoes first and Grant'll be in from school in a few minutes. BNCB

You should fasten your shoes otherwise you certainly fall. Wasp

My sister is not able to fasten her shoes at the age of 6, I am hopeless! Lingea


zajímající se o módu

The UK has the most fashion-conscious record buyers in the world. BNCB

LATEST colour ideas from Courtelle UK provide a tantalising glimpse into what next year's fashion-conscious shopper might be buying. BNCB

Oxfam has launched its new autumn collection of clothes with the boast that the fashion-conscious can dress themselves for just twenty five pounds! BNCB

fashion show

módní přehlídka

Sally and Edward sat in the very front row of the audience at the Fashion Show on canvas hospital-style chairs. BNCB

But in spite of what had happened at the fashion show she did not think Paula had any hand in it until next day at breakfast. BNCB

IVANA TRUMP and Chris Eubank were just two of the celebrities at Esquire's charity midsummer fashion show. BNCB

fashion model

model(ka), manekýn(ka)

Although she may have many other fine qualities, she is clearly not an international fashion model. BNCB

She saw him glance at her gracefully curved female body, as beautiful as any fashion model's; but there was no appraisal of her beauty in his eyes. BNCB

Maria das Gracas Meneguel, better known as Xuxa, started her career as a fashion model. BNCB

fashion designer

módní návrhář

 A TOP fashion designer has won back the son she was accused of stealing. BNCB

They say they've enjoyed the transition from farmer to fashion designer. BNCB

The Venus awards are presented every season for the best fashion designer, make-up, set design, model etc. BNCB

fashion magazines

módní časopisy

Because I know Ruth likes clothes too, and reads fashion magazines, I know she appreciates what look I'm aiming for. BNCB

She wasn't a girl at all, in any sense that the fashion magazines would recognize. BNCB

Week after week it's splashed across fashion magazines, alongside tales of her jet-setting travels, stunning performances at fashion shows and star-studded lifestyle. BNCB

evening dress

večerní oblečení, večerní toaleta

Modigliani sketched a middle-aged couple in evening dress who had probably dropped in to the Rotonde late one night. BNCB

She managed to pare it down to two skirts, two jumpers, a cardigan, three coats, a hat, a dressing gown and a black lace evening dress. BNCB

It was a tactful way of explaining that change meant evening dress for her and dinner jacket for him. BNCB

evening bag

večerní kabelka

And then there was Our Lady of the Leftovers who entered the NFT bar wearing a fur stole and carrying a sequinned evening bag. BNCB

She grabbed her black crocheted shawl and velvet evening bag, and hurried down the stairs to open the door. BNCB

She stuffed the sandwiches into her evening bag and continued on her way, her eyes sparkling. BNCB

dull colour

nevýrazná barva

The set of his mouth suggested that he was angry, and Lindsey felt the dull colour rising in her cheeks as she wondered why. BNCB

Thus jade, the material held most precious of all by the Chinese, was assigned by Kluge to his fifth and lowermost grade on account of its dull colour and lack of transparency. BNCB

`;Do you really think so little of yourself that that could be all I wanted?'; she stabbed back and was pleased to see dull colour rise in his cheeks. BNCB