sobota, 6. července 2024, 02.28
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

current account

běžný účet

distribution channels

distribuční kanály

Trade union

labour union (AmE)

odborová organizace, odbory

The trade union is in pay negotiations with the employer.

subsidiary (daughter company)

přidružená firma, dceřiná společnost

Our head office is in Portland, ME and we own 70% of a manufacturing subsidiary in Colorado.

open a new branch

otevřít novou pobočku/ filiálku

Technetix Group continue their expansion by opening a new branch in Germany.



They want the government to give them a subsidy.

labor disputes

pracovní spory

sales projections

odhady prodeje

negotiations broke down

vyjednávání ztroskotala


vklad, záloha, zástava

Most private landlords ask for a deposit before you move in

fall-off in orders

decline in orders

to downsize

to cut the workforce of

We will downsize for maximum efficiency.

staff appraisals

staff assessment

commission-based job

provize za práci

job involving no fixed hourly rate


franchise - koncese (licence k podnikání)

They sold their franchise for millions of dollars to the Chinese company.