pondělí, 1. července 2024, 15.09
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

somebody`s stamping ground

miesto, kde niekto trávi veľa času

1. A leading centre of kersey manufacture, Newbury had been the stamping ground of the celebrated John Winchcombe until his death as recently as 1519. BNC

2. But he could always get work in good old BBC radio: that was his stamping ground. BNC

3. Like Banquo's ghost her figure would be seen haunting her old stamping ground. BNC

grey matter

šedé bunky

1. She wondered if she could think with what was left of her grey matter. BNC

2. With all the intelligence of a mouldy pea, Ian Osborne stretches his grey matter just trying to remember his name. BNC

3. I only wish I had half your grey matter. BNC

come to grips with

vysporiadať sa s

1. Right, don't spend most of your time trying to come to grips with something that you just don't understand. BNC

2. The environmentalists in their attempt to come to grips with ecological problems have focused on the latter contradiction points to the detriment of those between the social relations of production and the productive forces. BNC

3. This word processor will help your children come to grips with computers and word processing. BNC

grind to a halt


1. All other production would grind to a halt tomorrow if women weren't producing these workers. BNC

2. Yet in the 1960S some members of the credit industry had feared it would grind to a halt unless they could threaten promise-breakers with prison. BNC

3. Without their support some of the giants of British business would quickly grind to a halt. BNC

greener pastures

lákavejšie zamestnanie

1. Family farmers have been worst hit, their incomes fell by 14% last year, and almost 6,000 left the land for greener pastures. WASPS

2. There was probably nothing particularly distasteful about working at Cattle Market School in Holloway - despite its rather down-to-earth title - but Benjamin sought greener pastures, nevertheless. WASPS

3. A lot of scientists are seeking greener pastures abroad because of the scarcity of opportunities at home. CIDoI

have green fingers

byť šikovný záhradkár

1. I`m afraid I don`t have green fingers. I`ve killed every plant I`ve owned. CIDoI

2. Mia has a talent for mothering the way some people have green fingers for gardening. BNC

3. He had more or less green fingers, my grandfather. BNC

the great and the good

doležití ľudia

1. The great and the good depicted include Henry VII and on the right we have the most fearsome devil you ever saw. BNC

2.  For the trouble with the great and the good is that we expect them to be on duty the whole time.BNC

3. Such a reform would be welcome indeed and would remove the existing bias towards the great and the good; but would it enable the broadcasting authorities to be more assertive in their dealings with governments? BNC

the gravy train

zlatá baňa na peniaze

1. Even if 3D snapshooting does catch on, and the company's hits its target of between 3 and 5 per cent of the world domestic snapshot market by 1985, there may still be no gravy train for Nimslo's backers. BNC

2. The recession abruptly derailed the gravy train on which most in the record industry had ridden through the 1970s; the generous salaries, inflated expenses and transcontinental junkets. BNC

3. A lot of people thought they`d get on the gravy train in the eighties and make some money out of property. CIDoI

the grass roots

členovia (spoločenskej alebo politickej organizácie)

1. Politically, the organisation says its grass roots are in working class Labour-voting families. BNC

2. During a debate on party organisation, some representatives complained that Conservative Central Office was not providing Tory workers with the necessary back-up to sustain and win support at the grass roots. BNC

3. The same principles work through the grass roots of a party. BNC

hear on the grapevine

niekde sa dozvedieť, jedna teta povedala

1. He heard on the grapevine that I was interested in this place, and came to me, not without considerable risk to himself. BNC

2. And I hear on the grapevine Trumphauser at Cornell is giving him a chapter to himself in his book on British working-class literature. BNC

3. I'm surprised I haven't heard about you on the grapevine. BNC

a Gordian knot

gordický uzol, ťažko riešiteľný problém

1. They had joined a Gordian knot of vans, taxis, and automobiles that was inching forward at a pace that had set that little muscle in his jaw to knotting and unknotting. BNC

2. If Gorbachev expects to untie the Gordian knot, he has over-estimated his powers. WASPS

3. Homelessness in the inner cities has become a real Gordian knot. CIDoI

a goody-goody

dotieravý človek

1. Ethel Hallow was the form sneak and goody-goody, and it was hardly surprising that Mildred felt unfriendly towards her after all the mean tricks Ethel had played during their first two terms, including almost getting Mildred expelled on two occasions. BNC

2. I was such a goody-goody at school it was unbelievable that I was pregnant. BNC

3. Oh, Dana's goody-goody sister. Oops, shouldn't have said that. BNC

put in a good word for

prihovoriť sa za niekoho

1. He put in a good word for me and it went on from there. BNC

2. The producers told me later that I got the job because of the winning chemistry between us ; and that Pauline had put in a good word for me. BNC

3. The landlord of the inn which Ernest visited when his mother and his wife became too much for him knew of a coffee-house in the town which needed a kitchenmaid, and because he put in a good word for her, Ruth was given the job without references. BNC

golden handcuffs

prídavky pre zamestnanca, ktorého si chce spoločnosť udržať

1. LONDON WEEKEND TELEVISION is facing difficulties over its golden handcuffs share scheme designed to lock 40 top managers and programme-makers into their jobs. BNC

2. Company pensions were the golden handcuffs which chained staff to a company. BNC

3. What that group wants to know, of course, is what he will do when the golden handcuffs come off at the end of next year. BNC

strike gold


1. Today's wave of experiments has no such rulebook: anybody with a good idea can try it out, and perhaps strike gold. BNC

2. Writers often strike gold this way. BNC

3. Some investors have struck gold investing in airlines. CIDoI