sobota, 29. června 2024, 12.08
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

mix business with pleasure

miešať prácu a zábavu

1. Still, learn from experience: and the moral of this story is: don't mix business with pleasure. BNC

2. Look, I know that one shouldn't mix business with pleasure, but if I asked you again, would you come out with me? BNC

3. The occasion was ostensibly to mark the birthday of his wife, Barbara, and was an excuse to mix business with pleasure, since invitations were issued not only to personal friends of the chairman's but also to various luminaries of the art world, and a few favoured clients. BNC

business as usual

všetko po starom

1. Despite the political reforms, many members of the security forces are carrying on business as usual. BNC

2. But the appearance of stately progress masks frenetic activity below the surface as officials try to ensure business as usual once the votes are counted. BNC

3. Therefore it seems clear that the real issue is neither closure nor business as usual. BNC

a cash cow

výnosný obchod, zlatá baňa

1. It becomes a cash cow business in that you generate a lot of money from existing assets, with minimum investment. BNC

2.  This would be quite consistent with seeing the product as a high-yielding cash cow, in the mature stage of its life-cycle. BNC

3. A chocolate and wafer combination, it strikes directly at arch-rival Rowntree's £130m cash cow Kit Kat. BNC

not have a care in the world

nemať vôbec žiadne starosti

1. Most kids my age don't have a care in the world. BNC

2. She seemed very happy and not to have a care in the world. BNC

3. There are even a few who I'm sure don't have a care in the world, although I'm almost prepared to stick my neck out and say that they're in the minority. BNC

call the tune

udávať tón

1. Money is power, and for this reason employment continues to call the tune. BNC

2. The rich and the powerful call the tune. BNC

3. You young girls can call the tune nowadays. BNC

burn the candle at both ends


1. She`d been burning the candle at both ends studying for her exams and made herself ill. CIDoI

2. But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time, you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends. BNC

3. So get back to work, stream down those torch beams, work overtime, burn the candle at both ends, slog on when I'm asleep, and remember, I'm supporting you. BNC

call the shots

byť vo vedúcej pozícii

1. Reluctance to use this strategy can come from a feeling that you don't have a right to control, that you can't call the shots, that you are powerless. BNC

2. It was also a job in which Selina was able to call the shots, or so she thought. BNC

3. It was the therapy that gave me the strength to leave my girlfriend because through it I established the fact that I was prone to passivity, always waiting for other people to call the shots. BNC



1. I had even studied Geology as my science subject and although I was cack-handed and obtuse when it came to the practical side had enjoyed the theory well enough. BNC

2. Glynn's fax duly arrived and when it became apparent that the wiring was beyond the skills of a cack-handed caveman they promptly offered to collect the guitar, modify it and return it within a few working days. BNC

3. She doesn`t strike me as the practical sort - she`s a bit cack-handed. CIDoI

live it up

užiť si to

1. Accountant used cash to live it up. BNC

2. But as you are determined to live it up and have a good time, you must watch your health and try not to burn the candle at both ends. BNC

3. I decided to live it up for a while - at least until the money run out. CIDoI

a busy bee/ as busy as a bee

usilovná včelička

1. In fact I was quite a busy little bee last night. WASPS

2. They 're busy little bees in here.  The restaurant 's nice. WASPS

3. She`s as busy as a bee, always going to meetings and oraagnizing parties. CIDoI

bide one's time

využiť čas

1. Bide your time, be patient and take the opportunity to think through an ambitious aim. BNC

2. Unfortunately you now appear to be experiencing a rather peculiar phase in which nothing seems to go according to plan and all you can do is bide your time and wait for others to come to their senses. BNC

3. Be patient, tolerant and bide your time. BNC

a big fish

"veľká ryba", dôležitá osoba

1. Clive Swift, in his admirable and essential book The Job of Acting says that when you were at drama school, you were a big fish, now you're a tiddler. BNC

2. I know you see which side my fence is buttered, and if I can bring to football the organisational skills that have made me such a big fish in retailing, then Athletico Whaddon need have no fear of ending up on the slab. BNC

3. Mr Coughlin is one of the directors - a big fish. CIDoI

a big cheese

"pán dôležitý"

1. He's quite old now, of course, but Sir David Wyndham used to be a really big cheese in the business world… definitely a grand fromage ! BNC

2. And they thought they were the big cheese you see,  those who worked there . BNC

3. Apparently her father is a big cheese in one of the major banks. CIDoI

have a ball

zabávať sa

1. A playground and playhouse keep the tots happy while the teenagers have a ball with a whole host of absorbing activities. BNC

2. Sailors have a ball and skittle home side. BNC

3. The ex-England prop will play Lord Chancellor at Bath's Theatre Royal, where he's sure to have a ball! BNC

pass the baton

na niekoho preniesť zodpovednosť

1. In the meanwhile , simulation buys time and allows us to pass the baton to the next generation which may well have to face similar problems. WASPS

2. Dougal resigns as head of the treasury this month, passing the baton to one of his closest associates. CIDoI

3. 'Pass the baton' meeting is scheduled. Google