středa, 26. června 2024, 20.10
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

a jack of all trades

niekto, kto má viacero zamestnaní

1. Are you a jack of all trades or do you prefer to specialize? BNC

2. In the early days, Stevenson described himself as having been a Jack of all trades. BNC

3. Bill can do plumbing, carpentry, or a bit of gardening - he`s a jack of all trades, really. CIDoI

pump iron

posilňovať, dvíhať činky

1. They pump iron for hours every morning. BNC

2. Even his face was muscular, as though he pumped iron with his ears. BNC

3. These days, both men and women pump iron for fitness. CIDoI

have many irons in the fire

mať veľa zamestaní

1. Mr Hatton did say he had a good many irons in the fire and that sometimes he brought off a big deal. BNC

2. He had so many irons in the fire that he was seldom there. BNC

3. Others have interpreted it as tactical manoeuvring, a manifestation of his habitual tendency to have two or more irons in the fire. BNC

an inside job

zločin, prehrešok voči vlastnej firme

1. The police suspected that it was an inside job and promptly arrested the dismissed worker, for no reason other than that she might have borne a grudge against her erstwhile employer. BNC

2. Watson wonders, and the reader, if bright enough, works out that if a dog does nor bark when an intruder comes to commit a crime, then the crime is an inside job. BNC

3. Obviously it was an inside job, because nobody else knew the presents were there. BNC

bring the house down

zabaviť obecenstvo

1. Plant says the act'll bring the house down. BNC

2. McCoist, meanwhile, will attempt to reach the milestone of his 50th goal of the season with a plea to the Rangers fans to bring the house down. BNC

3. The clown sang a duet with the talking horse, which brought the house down every night. CIDoI

the hot ticket

niečo, čo je v kurze, veľmi populárne

1. The Warren Beatty film which has been a year in the making and give years in the planning is this summer's hot ticket. BNC

2. At the beginning of the previous month, he had given a reading in New York where one observer described him as a hot ticket. BNC

3. Fashion writers predict that ankle-strap shoes will be the hot ticket this fall. CIDoI

be home and dry

niečo je v suchu

1. Barcelona looked home and dry when going 2-0 up after 31 minutes but the Russians refused to surrender and scored three goals in 16 minutes either side of half-time. BNC

2. If you have any built-in cupboards or closets you are home and dry; literally; as far as storage is concerned. BNC

3. I`ve just got one more report to write and I`ll be home and dry. CIDoI

hold your own

držať krok s, byť rovnako dobrý

1. She can hold her own in any debate on religion. CIDoI

2. The French franc held its own against the D-mark. CIDoI

3. Well, you learned to hold your own in those days. BNC

put something on hold

niečo odložiť

1. If you have failed to brief them properly then they have little option but to either put it on hold or send it back as it came out and let you sort it out. BNC

2. The project has been put on hold until our financial position improves. CIDoI

3. Mr Murdoch also told the meeting that plans for Media Partners International, the investment vehicle, had been put on hold. BNC 

hit the sack

ísť do postele, ísť spať

1. I suppose he came into my room for a few minutes to see a book I'd been telling him about, then he left and I hit the sack. BNC

2. I`m going to hit the sack-I`m exhausted. CIDoI

3. It's getting very late. It's time to hit the sack. Google

hit the hay

ísť do postele, ísť spať

1. I hit the hay before 11:00 p.m. every day. Google

2. After supper he hit the hay. He was exhausted. Google

3. We have to get an early start tomorrow. Maybe we should hit the hay now. Google

the life of the party

zabávač, lev salónov

1. Despite a long day of rehearsals, and a long tiring performance, Gracie was the life of the party, and her homey Lancashire friendliness made everyone love her. BNC

2. Morton saw that Leonard and Mrs Cohen were very close, and nothing emphasised this more than her willingness to take them and their friends out for meals, especially to a favourite Greek restaurant where she would be the life of the party, not least in singing, and encouraged by good wine which the restaurateur would ply them with in order to get the mood of the evening going. BNC

3. Give him a few drinks and he`s the life of the party! CIDoI

take a licking

"schytať to"

1. He put on a brave face to Sunday Express readers: "I hope it will be believed that the Arsenal can take a licking as well as any other club." BNC

2. Laptops take a licking and keep on ticking. Google

3. Their latest album took a licking from the critics, but it`s selling well. CIDoI

make light work of

niečo rýchlo zvládnuť

1. Make light work of cooking with the help of Philips' electronic HR2898 food processor. BNC

2. Heather made light work of painting the walls. CIDoI

3. You made light work of that chocolate cake! CIDoI

see life

zažiť svet, užiť si život

1. I see it fantastically in the pages of books I read and in a true sense I see life through the leaves of the willow tree. BNC

2. Young people should see life before they get jobs and buy houses and do other boing things like that! CIDoI

3. He`s decided to do a round-the-world trip, he wants to see life a bit before he starts university. CIDoI