středa, 26. června 2024, 19.47
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

make a virtue of necessity

urobiť z núdze cnosť

1. However, my brief was to make a virtue of necessity, as we all have to do from time to time, and concentrate on the planting. BNC

2. Because import duty (35 per cent on ornamented goods) and freight charges, had from the start pushed prices up in the US, Peter now decided to make a virtue of necessity and deliberately aimed for an exclusive designer image with corresponding price tag. BNC

3. It`s a long way to drive so I thought I`d make a virtue of necessity and stop off at some interesting places along the way. CIDoI


čoraz viac úspešný

1. If the festival is a success, it's planned to hold concerts at Sudeley every summer and promote young up-and-coming performers alongside more famous ones. BNC

2. She turned to focus her attention on the up-and-coming young band now swinging into their first number. BNC

3. Allowed to choose her hairdresser, Carole Ann Ford plumped for an up-and-coming young stylist she had known and visited for some time named Vidal Sassoon. BNC

be on the up

byť na vzostupe

1. It`s been a difficult year for our family, but things are on the up again now. CIDoI

2. Local initiative schemes have been set up and traders believe business confidence is on the up…BNC

3. Ten thousand people left the city last year and emigration is on the up. BNC

paint the town red

baviť sa, vyraziť von

1. Tonight we're going to paint the town red. BNC

2. You want to have a good time and paint the town red this weekend, but somehow you feel restricted and constrained from enjoying life. BNC

3. Jack finished his exams today so he`s gone out to paint the town red. CIDoI

a track record

zoznam dosiahnutých úspechov (neúspechov)

1. Yet advertising their track record in detail worked for Spencer Stuart, especially in one particularly significant shoot-out in which they beat four other firms competing to win the assignment to find a chief executive for the American Council of Life Insurance. BNC

2.His brilliant track record at school is a testimony not only to his academic prowess, but also to his application and determination to succeed. BNC

3. We like to recruit managers with a strong track record. CIDoI

go out on the town

ísť sa večer zabaviť

1. We'd go out on the town, hit a few cocktail parties, go dancing...BNC

2. Neighbours say he has kept a low profile since moving in, prefering to stay by the pool than go out on the town. BNC

3. Give me a moment or two to change my clothes and leave a note for Jules, then we'll go out on the town.BNC

the top of the tree

najvyššia pozícia (pracovná)

1. The final qualification is that a print-maker, to reach the very top of the tree, must be known and appreciated by the Japanese. BNC

2. Whoever the caddie, the money will have been well earned; it is a safe bet that he or she will have had to struggle as hard as his or her player to get to the top of the tree --; while carrying forty-five pounds of dead-weight on his back for four miles and four hours as well! BNC

3. Who would have guessed that she would get to the top of the tree before her clever and talented brother? CIDoI

the top dog


1. No wonder he was such a top dog in the City if he wielded this calibre of authority merely via the passive act of listening! BNC

2. But he always wanted to be the one in control, the top dog, to be the one who could take off on a whim and relate his volatility to democratic individual freedom to do as one pleased; a special privilege to which only Americans were supposed to be entitled. BNC

3. Jackson was top dog and he made sure he got what he wanted.CIDoI

down tools

prestať pracovať, štrajkovať

1. I've not, when Labour was last in power and were going back now to nineteen seventies, they left the country in a mess, there was three day week, there was strike's, electricity strike, the coal board were on strike, every body was striking and down tools. BNC

2. As there is little work in the shipyards, it would have taken a special appeal to have convinced them to down tools. BNC

3. Thousands of Krakow steelworkers downed tools to demand more pay. CIDoI

the tools of the trade

pracovné prostriedky (nástroje)

1. These books are my tools of the trade and they mean a tremedous amount to me. BNC

2. The wall to the right of the door was covered with tools of the trade; chisels and punches of every size, mostly with handles of twisted willow which allowed the smith to hold them whilst they were struck with a seven pound sledgehammer and feel no vibration. BNC

3. For the modern sales executive, a car phone is one of the tools of the trade. CIDoI

know a thing or two

byť skúsený, niečo vedieť

1. My uncle grew up on a farm and knows thing or two about dealing with men. CIDoI

2. However, the one thing the southern hemisphere does know a thing or two about is rugby union and to close the door would be to the detriment of the English game in the long run. BNC

3.  know a thing or two about dogs. BNC

have the time of your life

užívať si život, baviť sa

1. If attending a wedding or party of close friends, you should have the time of your life. BNC

2. He had the time of his life working on the ranch. CIDoI

3. If you can spend five weeks having the time of your life and get paid at the end of it, why not? BNC

spread yourself too thin

robiť veľa vecí naraz, no žiadnu poriadne

1. If one tries to help every industry, you spread yourself too thin. BNC

2. If you decide to get as much clients as possible, there is risk that you will
spread yourself too thin that the quality of your work eventually suffers. Google

3. I realised I`d been spreading myself too thin so I resigned as secretary of the golf club. CIDoI

all systems go

všetko je pripravené (na začatie práce)

1. It's all systems go for the Northern Woodworking and DIY Exhibition which is being supported by Traditional Woodworking magazine. BNC

2. The following day saw a remarkable change in the weather, the wind had dropped considerably, blue skies, and sunshine reigned supreme and it was all systems go for a cracking airshow. BNC

3. We`ve just got to get the software put in place and then it`s all systems go. CIDoI

stumbling block


1. Palestinian stubbornness has become a major stumbling block to the peace process as conceived by the United States. BNC

2. The stumbling block was the obedience he demanded. BNC

3. The main stumbling block to expanding nursery classes as a right, which they and the majority of the committee favoured, was the limit on public spending. BNC