pátek, 3. května 2024, 11.07
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: Communication

hold ground

neustúpiť, stáť na svojom

They tried to haul the ship 5ft by taking the ship's cables and anchors from the stern of other craft to firm holding ground and then winching the ship free on the capstan. (BNC)

The union stood its ground in negotiations despite pressure by management to accept a pay cut. (Google)

The small, poorly armed band of guerrillas stood their ground against an overwhelming attacking force. (Google)

hold the line

zostaňte pri telefóne

Hold the line, please. (BNC)

Receptionist: If you will please hold the line a moment I will see if Mr Wyatt is available. (BNC)

According to Soames's sister, Emma, the admirable Sutton would answer Soames's car phone in the manner of a country butler, asking callers to hold the line while he saw if Sir was in. (BNC)

how time flies

ako ten čas letí

Bill: Look at the clock! Mary: How time flies! I guess you'll be going. Bill: Yes, I have to get up early. John: My watch says it's nearly midnight. How time flies! Jane: Yes, it's late. We really must go. (Google)

"Look at how big Billy is getting," said Uncle Michael. "My, how time flies." Tom: It seems it was just yesterday that I graduated from high school. Now I'm a grandfather. Mary: My, how time flies. (Google)

Our suave heroes were transformed into Laurel and Hardy: suburban life speeded up into some manic, coronary inducing rush hour. How time flies! (BNC)

I can't be bothered

ani ma nehne, mám to na háku

I just can't be bothered to look after the house. (Google)

Yoga for people who can't be bothered to do it. (Google)

I used to be highly annoyed by such blatantly ignorant pieces, but I can't be bothered anymore. (Google)

I couldn't care less

je mi to fuk

Julia, I couldn't care less what kind of car it is as long as it has four wheels and goes. (Google)

Yes, yes I mean I couldn't care less, as long as it was something must get something Linda's is the mask in the theatre. (BNC)

As for you, I couldn't care less if you walked out on to that stage with a sack over your head. (BNC)

I'll tell you what/ I tell you what

vies co?...

I'll tell you what -- name the place and I'll pick you up. (Google)

I tell you what, I'll bring the water in a separate glass. (Google)

So I tell you what. You get on your bike and find that old lady what were in here just now and you don't let her out of your sight. (BNC)

in a nutshell

veľmi stručne

Were relations between himself and the ANC warm? In a nutshell: Yes. (BNC)

In a nutshell, Hinsley is infinitely more trustworthy than Wright, but more shackled. (BNC)

This, in a nutshell, is what the Yalavou project sets out 10 do. (BNC)

in a word

jedným slovom

His bedside manner was, in a word, menacing. (BNC)

Pop, in a word, is fascination versus meaning. (BNC)

In a word, the play flopped. (Google)

in line with

v souhlasu s něčím, podlě něčeho

Survey: data storage practices are not in line with data storage policies. (Google)

Hewlett Packard earnings were in-line with analyst expectations, but sales were slower than expected. (Google)

Yesterday's presidential election in Armenia was conducted mostly in line with the country's international commitments, although further improvements are necessary to address remaining challenges. (Google)

in plain English

jednoduše řečeno

As important as it might be to convey information to people in plain English, however, it is equally important to do so in ways that acknowledge the accomplishments of IT staff and don't make them feel their efforts are being minimized. (Google)

Individual CPAs would provide an enormous boost to the public good if they objectively explained in plain English the effects of different tax proposals. (Google)

In this paper I describe, in plain English, the algorithm for decrypting DVDs. (Google)