úterý, 7. května 2024, 18.18
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: CLIMATE

mackerel sky

obloha pokrytá beránky

The buzzard over Florida in the mackerel sky that stretched from west to east symbolized death in the trajectory of Columbia's return.  WebCorp

The white glare of the bay in summer was heightened by a mackerel sky. WebCorp

There was a mackerel sky, with the clouds dropping on the mountain-tops till you could hardly say which was which. WebCorp

make a monkey out of

dělat blbce z


 Don't let other ales make a monkey of you, drink Dregs! (BNCB)

A CHIMPANZEE financial whizzkid that has beaten stock market experts could not make a monkey of British share analysts yesterday. (BNCB)

The surest way to make a monkey of a man is to quote him. (Google)

make hay while the sun shines

kout železo, dokud je žhavé

I've got a few hours to finish the housework before the kids come home so I might as well make hay while the sun shines. CIDI

It's not enough to enjoy yourself, you must make hay while the sun shines.  BNC

Make hay while the sun shines, you know. BNC

make heavy weather of sth

dělat zbytečnou vědu, nadělat s něčím

He's making heavy weather of writing his report, Ingrid finished hers days ago. CIDI

It's the people with easy lives who make heavy weather. BNC

So it is not surprising that adolescents sometimes make heavy weather of the whole process. BNC

make wild guesses

střílet do vzduchu, plácat do větru

Even then you have to make wild guesses as to what is going on till everything is explicitly told.WebCorp

The idea with this list is to give answers if you know them, not to make wild guesses -especially when a few seconds of testing would show you that your guess was wrong. WebCorp

Officials stated they can only make wild guesses, as the equipment is essentially still in development. WebCorp

melt sth down


They melted down the gold rings and bracelets. CALD

Most importantly, when a metal artefact is damaged or becomes redundant, the metal can easily be melted down and recycled into another artefact. BCN

Any large bronze objects will have been taken and melted down long ago, probably in the fourteenth century BC. BNC

melting point

bod tání

It is also more suitable for casting because its melting point is lower and the tin reacts with gases dissolved in the molten alloy, preventing porosity. BNC

The high melting point of carbon may also be significant. BCN

It shows that as pressure increases the melting point decreases slightly. BNC

melting pot

tavící kotel ( místo, kde dochází k míchání kultur)

Rules of mutual tolerance must be agreed in an area which is a melting pot of such diverse cultures. CIDI

New Orleans is one of the great melting pots of America. CALD

In a period when, as recent events in Los Angeles and elsewhere have shown, the ethnic melting pot has dissolved into a racial meltdown, the clemency of clear understanding is as sought-after as ever. BNC

mist over

zamlžit, orosit se

Open the window when you have a shower to stop the mirror misting over.CALD

Just then the scene began to mist over. BNC

Her eyes mist over as she says: Kurt and I have four children between us. BNC