středa, 3. července 2024, 10.26
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

bite one’s tongue

držet jazyk za zuby

But Trevor told me it was tactical, so I've got to bite my tongue and accept his explanation.

When I was in prison I used to grip my fingers and bite my tongue and think.

There are a number of things that have happened while I've been here that I have disagreed with, sometimes quite strongly, but I am not a dictator and I have had to bite my tongue.


grit one’s teeth

zatnout zuby

We now reach the part of this history where English fans, if they can bear to continue, will really need to grit their teeth.

But we must start working towards the right British day for tax freedom April 1. For 1995 there is nothing for it but to grit the teeth and get back to work, work, work.

I have had to grit my teeth, fight my own battles and stand my ground. (BNC-B)

by the skin of one’s teeth

jen o vlas

Littlewoods Cup holders stayed in the competition by the skin of their teeth last night at Leeds Road .

Consolation for Bush came with the Indiana result. He won, but only by the skin of his teeth. He held Oklahoma, South Carolina and Nebraska, but other states forecast victory for Clinton by staggering margins.

He was shot getting away with the ransom. And two others got away by the skin of their teeth.


get right up somebody’s nose

lézt krkem komu

And he's asking viewers to write in with things that get right up their noses. If the complaint sounds familiar, Gerry'll phone you during the show.

Everybody annoys you but you don't think you annoy, and yet you never stop to think if you may annoy people as well. You get right up my nose you do.

I don't know why I didn't think of it myself. I mean, you and Edward aren't involved emotionally like we are, and he's not going to get right up your nose in the same way and I'll know where he is and that he's all right.


in the teeth of something

navzdory čemu

The British electorate regularly disprove this by electing governments in the teeth of the hostility and mispresentation of virtually the whole of the press.

Even if Mr. Kaifu can deliver a package, he will probably be doing so in the teeth of public opinion (especially if a tax increase is involved).

But even in the teeth of a recession, companies large and small are successfully gaining the backing of the venture capital funds and paying them back handsomely. (BNC-B)

something is mouth-watering/ making my mouth water

sbíhají se mi sliny na

The many mouth-watering desserts of Touraine are based on fruits.

Some ingredients result in a delicious, mouth-watering soup, while others will produce foul-smelling, unpalatable dishwater.

Linda Fraser prepares five mouth-watering meals for the family, using that perennial favorite - mince Spinach lasagne.

In spite of the tension between her and Nathan the aromatic scent of the cooked fish in its herb and lemon dressing made her mouth water. (BNC-B)

poke/ stick one’s nose into something

strkat nos do čeho

He was wrong whatever he did. If he spoke out, he was accused of poking his nose into matters he knew nothing about.

Or maybe they resented a stranger poking his nose into their affairs?

They're hardly going to take very kindly to a woman poking her nose into their affairs, are they?

The sun comes up each morning, the Pope's a Catholic, and Donna Fratelli's still sticking her nose into other people's business.


pay lip service to something

poskytovat čemu pouze slovní podporu

For all these reasons some economists have for years advocated this approach to monetary policy and during the 1970s a number of governments began at least to pay lip service to it by announcing target rates of growth for the money supply over the coming year.

Crime is a big issue not just an issue of sentencing or the courts, but something that must be looked at away from politics. Politicians pay lip service to crime.

All unions have good policies on racial equality at national level but very little is put into practice at local levels. The picture is no different in Cleveland . Most of the unions pay lip service to equal rights and racial equality for black members.


turn one’s nose up at something

ohrnovat nos nad

The models too have a better attitude. They don't turn their nose up at a job for a lesser mag if their last assignment was for Elle or something.

The shops here are very good, but Dana is inclined to turn her nose up at anything outside London or Paris .

I'd better eat that. Well eat it. I don't turn my nose up at anything. (BNC-B)

My lips are sealed.

Dám si pusu na zámek.

I can see what you mean, well, don't worry, my lips are sealed!

This was a very personal thing between Caduta and me. I'm saying nothing. My lips are sealed.

Have you ever had points on your licence? Yes, but my lips are sealed. It's all too embarrassing. (BNC-B)

by word of mouth


Finding a personal trainer is like finding a good hairdresser it should be done by word of mouth and looking at the results.

It is important now that we capture these traditions; much is handed down by word of mouth and is in danger of dying out.

It is known, of course, that the books of the Old Testament were composite works from many different sources, and may have been transmitted by word of mouth for hundreds of years before being set down.


play it by ear


Until we can get something definite sorted out, we are having to play it by ear.

Eubank has no special game plan tonight and says: I'll play it by ear and in accordance to Thornton 's fighting spirit.

Some people want to know what their treatment is going to be, but you can tell at the same time they definitely don't want to know the name of their condition. You just have to play it by ear.


not to believe one’s ears

nevěřit svým uším

Paul says: I was listening to the Chancellor and couldn't believe my ears for a moment when he announced the exemption.

He jumped off his cart which was nearby and ran after the runaway. He soon had it back with Granny's belongings intact, and I could hardly believe my ears and eyes when I heard her thank him and allow him to lift her back onto the driver's seat.

She's really upset about falling out with Bert. They've been going out on and off for years. I couldn't believe my ears when she said she hated her father. (BNC-B)

go in one ear and out the other

jít jedním uchem tam a druhým ven

Whatever he tells me seems to go in one ear and out the other.

And what's Lizzy been saying to him, I'd like to know? As always when she was very angry, Evelyn's voice was a thick Irish brogue. Kate let it all go in one ear and out the other.

We did get a lot of verbal abuse from the youngsters. But there again you just let it go in one ear and out the other. (BNC-B)

a (real) eye-opener

ponaučení, náhlé zjištění něčeho nepředpokládaného

If you feel like it, buy one and have a browse. It can be a real eye-opener to find how many calories there are in the foods you normally eat.

We came together on one point, and that was our attitude towards the media. It had been an eye-opener to me in 1987 when I realized how naïve I had been about the press.

It had been my first alpine climb, and it had been an eye-opener. I had not expected the level of exposure, the narrowness of the arêtes, the commitment.