pátek, 5. července 2024, 20.14
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

take heart

čerpat odvahu

Cambridge can take heart from Goldie’s substantial victory over Isis .

But we can take heart from the fact that, apart from Germany , Britain enjoys the greatest choice and variety of beers in Europe .

My lord, I shall endeavour to take heart from your assurances in regard to Lord Hastings - I derive much comfort from your undertaking in respect of this my younger son.


put one's finger on something

poukázat na co, definovat co, určit co

What adds to my confusion is that I can’t put my finger on any obvious reason why the Wallaby train seems to have derailed.

It’s difficult to put my finger on exactly why my response is somewhat cool.

I was sorry to see Rocky go and I would like him back. I can’t put my finger on what’s gone wrong. (BNC-B)

at one's fingertips

na dosah ruky

They are our hidden universities, with some of the leading academics in their fields, the best specialist libraries and the stuff of history at their fingertips yet they work largely unsung and unknown.

They had, at their fingertips, the right numbers to ring and the right people to talk to.

With 1,200 hotels now on TravelWeb, consumers have a lot of information at their fingertips.


not lift a finger

nehnout ani prstem

But Mum didn’t lift a finger to help and gave as good as she got.

But once the women returned, the men weren’t prepared to lift a finger to help.

She didn’t need to work; she didn’t in fact even have to lift a finger because the man or her servants would do all this for her. (BNC-B)

get one's fingers burnt

spálit si prsty

The same is true for lenders. Some lenders have already had their fingers burnt and have had to write off loans and lose their investments, rather than take on responsibility for contaminated land.

Bill frequently got his fingers burnt and even now he wonders if his servicing procedure was strictly legal.

He is not going to have his day spoilt. I just don’t want anyone else to get their fingers burnt over this, she said.


have green fingers

být dobrý zahradník

He had more or less green fingers, my grandfather. He could grow anything.

Often this type of environment is ideal for a person with green fingers who enjoys growing exotic, subtropical flowering plants.

I must say, Gwen, your garden looks great. You really do have green fingers. (BNC-B)

stick/stand out like a sore thumb

být jako pěst na oko, vyčnívat, být výrazný

How extraordinary and incongruous! You stick out like a sore thumb in that ghastly uniform, Charles.

It was a white box with modern doors, modern units and a Rayburn that stuck out of the wall like a sore thumb. It had pink quarry tiles.

Look at the surrounding skyline and pick out things that catch the eye - the flashy Porsche in the car-park, the dark cloud looming or the ugly building that sticks out like a sore thumb. (BNC-B)

give somebody a free hand

dát volnou ruku

Giving employers a free hand to hire and fire is creating insecurity, says the TUC's John Monks.

Although the constitution gives the President a free hand to sack ministers or deputy ministers in the interests of good governance, it stipulates that he must do it after consultation with other party leaders.

Once the piece was ready, the film-maker Adam Roberts was given a free hand to shoot it as he liked.


a rule of thumb

praktická zásada

As a rule of thumb, moving a nearly new greenhouse will only cost about the same as it would to have it erected in the first place.

If you need a rule of thumb, any item which is common or plentiful is 90% likely to be here.

As a rule of thumb, we found that girls are prepared to watch programmes aimed at boys.



z první ruky

Of what use was reading about life? First-hand experience held more appeal.

In the first place, everyone travels by car and therefore everyone has first-hand knowledge of how awful the roads are.

They are less likely to dominate than are men, because they have such painful first-hand experience of what it feels like to be oppressed by those in authority.


change hands

změnit majitele

Accordingly, most of these companies will change hands by way of private contract between the shareholders and the buyer.

The contracts are the written agreements between you and the seller - setting the price, terms and date for the property to change hands (completion date).

Paintings and old prints of Madeira are always sought after and sometimes change hands for high prices. (BNC-B)

try one’s hand at something

zkusit si něco

John had dreams of being a writer and had tried his hand at poetry, including an epic poem on the Battle of Largs.

Vincent went to him for drawing in the mornings, and in the evenings to try his hand at watercolours, as he had done before Christmas.

When the plant closed, and after trying his hand at a few other jobs, he finally settled at. (BNC-B)

have one’s hands full

mít plné ruce práce

My mother had her hands full with housework and caring for four elderly people.

Especially when you’ve already got your hands full running this tidy little ship.

They hardly exchanged a word. Ivy had her hands full with the driving. (BNC-B)

keep one’s hand in something

nevyjít ze cviku

Leonard was a very close observer, and collector, of this scene ; always keeping his hand in with his guitar, writing much of his early poetry to the sound of its music.

I chose that because I thought I would still be able to keep my hand in by writing the staff newspaper.

Having been trained in Institutional Management I still like to keep my hand in by catering for private functions such as weddings and christenings.


give somebody a hand

pomoci komu

Why don't you give me a hand with the rest of the work? You might enjoy doing something like that.

There's some people standing round watching me, but they don't give me a hand. They just stand there looking at me.

I'll give you a hand with the packing. Then I'll drive you to the station.