úterý, 18. června 2024, 14.44
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

bang one’s fist

třísknout pěstí (do stolu)

Graham banged his fist angrily on the table. A couple at the next table scowled at him but looked away when he glared back at them.

The old Monsieur le Président, who had presided so long in his own way at the top, shouted and banged his fist before leaving the room.

What he was doing - when that crazy mare put three fucking bullets in him. Go on, call them. He banged his fist down on the table and glared at Kellerman.


rule with an iron fist

vládnout železnou rukou, tvrdou rukou

My father ruled us with an iron fist and he hit us with an iron fist too, Joe recalls. But he loved us and he worked himself to death for us.

The DDI reminded them all of the secret police who had ruled East Germany with an iron fist.

Next Thursday Chileans will go to the polls to elect a successor to General Pinochet, who has ruled with an iron fist since the overthrow of Allende in 1973.


raise one’s fists

pozvednout p ěst (proti komu)

Julie spun the weapon, bringing the clawed part down on his hand as he raised his fists in defence.

Several rough-looking men were raising their fists and shouting at Farmer Yatton, Angela’s father, who was ordering them out. Cheryl turned rather pale. The gypsies looked so threatening.

A more marginal case is where the defendant is seen to be raising his fists in anticipation of the fight.


ham-fisted/ ham fisted

nemotorný, nešikovný, neobratný

In the nineteenth century the chateau was altered further, with some ham fisted restoration and the addition by King Louis-Philippe and the Emperor Napoleon - the Third, not the First - of a sixth tower to go with the five earlier ones.

In her book Riding Through My Life she revealed that the KGB had then made several ham-fisted attempts to spy on her. She arrived at her hotel to find a fearsome woman guarding her door.

Ham-fisted thieves had tried to steal a Metro GTi from my driveway. But in their clumsy efforts to break the steering lock they had broken the steering itself.