fredag, 17. mai 2024, 06:23
Portal: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Ordbok: HEALTH

go on/have/meet on a blind date

mít schůzku/rande naslepo

Karen and Doug have been happily married forover ten years. Did you know that they met on a blind date? (English Idioms, Oxford)

Elaine arranged for me to go on a blind date with a bloke from her office.(CALD)

Alexander and Mary met on a blind date and fell in love with each other. (BNC)

go sick


The survey by personnel software house Perco identified unskilled workers as the most likely to go sick.

It`s easier for women to go sick because they have fewer social roles. (BNC)

(BNC)Executive member Pat Lynch said people were too terrified to go sick in an industry which has shed 70,000 jobs in the past three years. (BNC)

go to hospital

jít do nemocnice (jako pacient)

He told the reporter that he later lived for two years on a barge near Shrewsbury, during which time he suffered a stroke but refused to go to hospital.(BNC)

Despite the pain fisherman Terry, veteran of almost 600 jumps in seven years, was reluctant to go to hospital. (BNC)

I don't want to go to hospital. (BNC)

go to/take (great) pains (to inf.)

(vyna)snažit se, dát si záležet, vyvinout úsilí, usilovat, snažit se o co, dát si velkou práci s čím

I went to great pains to get this record for you.(CIDI)

Mr. and Mrs. Wilson take pains to find families that are truly in need.(Eng.Idioms, W.Magnuson)

If you value your trees, you will take pains to master this art. (BNC)

go/be on a diet

držet dietu, začit dietu

I've got this friend who is slim, and she keeps saying she has to go on a diet, so you think: well, if she had to go on a diet, what must I be like? (BNC)

You should go on a diet. (BNC)

On a diet for five years, he just got fatter. (BNC)

go/be under the knife

(informal) jít/být na operaci, jít pod kudlu

Harry goes under the knife next week, but it is nothing serious, only an ulcer. (English Idioms, Oxford)

Every attack was accompanied by the certain knowledge that within a couple of hours I'd be under the knife. (BNC)

Bet you didn't know Northern Ireland star Michael Hughes was under the knife several weeks ago? (BNC)

go/come down with


He went down with gastric flu last week. I hope I am not going to come down with it too! (Eng. Idioms,Oxford)

Brenda came down with the flu. She's very sick. (W.Magnuson,Eng.Idioms)

I think I'm coming down with flu. (CALD)

growing pains

potíže, obtíže, těžkosti, komplikace

Even highly successful businesses will have experienced growing pains in the early days.(CIDI)

As any professional practice or department becomes more successful, its expansion is unlikely to be achieved without growing pains. (BNC)

Its goals of supporting advanced features like multi-processing and security while remaining very portable and scalable and at the same time backwards compatible with MS-DOS and 3.1 `;will inflict costs in reliability and efficiency while it experiences its share of growing pains.(BNC)