neděle, 2. června 2024, 10.55
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: SPORT



Press-ups build the pectorals and the biceps. Google

Does anyone know some excersises that are good for building enough strength to start doing 1 armed press ups? Google

Aim to perform this press up circuit, by performing 4 - 10 press ups of each style. Google

back the wrong horse

vsadit na špatnou kartu

 I almost always back the wrong horse. It's pretty much a character flaw.

 It was only after we'd invested all the money that we discovered we'd been backing the wrong horse. (Free Dictionary)

I am not one for giving up easily but occasionally you can back the wrong horse and if a new design isn't working I will bin it and start afresh. (Google)


sedy(-)lehy, lehy(-)sedy

Sit-ups have been the cornerstone of fitness programs for years. Google

The main purpose of sit-ups is to strengthen the "stomach" muscles by challenging the abdominal group: the rectus abdominus muscles, or "abs" (two thin strips of muscle that extend from the breastbone to the pelvis), and the three layers of muscles that flank the abs. Google

Great care and excellent technique are required to strengthen the abdominal muscles with sit-ups. Google

wall bars


I had a physiotherapy appointment where I was taken to another room with wall bars. Google

There are wall bars for sit ups and many other exercises. Google

I hated climbing ropes, wall bars and any other thing Benson, our PE teacher, could find for us to climb. Google

tennis player


Sawchak was once the number one tennis player at the Philadelphia Rifle Club. Google

Anastasia Myskina is, as before, No.1 woman tennis player of Russia. Google

Slovakian tennis player David Sebok was given a two-year suspension for using banned substances. Google

grass surface

travnatý povrch

Lacoste, successful at playing a slow, tantalizing game from the back court, was a champion when most events were contested on a grass surface. Google

This grand slam is on a slick grass surface that makes the ball skid when it bounces, making the ball stay very low to the ground. Google

The speed of a grass surface will give an advantage to hard hitters, but a clay surface slows down the ball so you can rush the net more safely. Google

jump rope


I wanted to tell you how to make a 5 string braided jump rope in five easy steps. Google

The Original HeavyRope® is a weighted jump rope allowing an athlete to gain both a cardiovascular & upper-body strength workout in one. Google

Now you can buy the same quality jump rope for your children, athlete in the family, or favorite sports team. Google

skipping rope


Wear supportive cross-trainers, tennis or basketball shoes while skipping rope. Google

How can using a skipping rope improve fitness? Google

Using a skipping rope is a great cardiovascular exercise. Google

ski jumping

skoky na lyžích

Ski Jumping is one of the most spectacular winter sports, where skiers descend a ramp reaching speeds of around 60mph, then launch themselves into the air. Googl

Ski jumping truly is the original extreme sport. Google

Ski jumping along with cross-country skiing and the nordic combined are classified as nordic ski sports. Google

stationary bike


I heard that there was this person who was riding a stationary bike at a diner. Google

The stationary bike is a great calorie burner. Google

Compared to running, a stationary bike provides users with a thorough low-impact workout that creates less stress on joints. Google

downhill skiing

sjezdové lyžování

Downhill skiing is a classic illustration of the relationship between work and energy. Google

Downhill skiing is a sport featured in the Winter Olympics. Google

Downhill skiing is one of the great thrills of outdoor winter life. Google

mountain bike

horské kolo

Whether you have a road bike, a mountain bike or an exercise bike, bicycling is one of the purest forms of exercise. Google

I never thought that I'd end up on a mountain bike. Google

Join us for a day or multi-day mountain bike tour. Google

exercise bike


Make an informed choice when buying and using an exercise bike. Google

You have two choices when it comes to using an exercise bike. You can use one at your gym or you can buy one and use it at home. Google

Whether you have a road bike, a mountain bike or an exercise bike, bicycling is one of the purest forms of exercise. Google

field hockey

pozemní hokej; pozemák

Los Angeles Field Hockey Association is a womens field hockey league located
in Southern California. Google

South Korea beat the United States Women 4-0 on Saturday to take the fifth and final spot in the women's field hockey competition in the Athens Olympics. Google

It was Nora and her father, a field hockey club team president in Holland, who brought Mari back to the sport. Google

fitness centre


Facilities include a fitness centre with a variety of weight training and cardiovascular machines to help you tone up or trim down, a gymnasium, and a therapies room (offering treatments from massage to homeotherapy). Google

The five-story training centre will have 120 rooms, one swimming pool, five training grounds and a fitness centre. Google

The Spartak Arena will be a multifunctional building and it will house restaurants, shops, a hotel, a fitness centre and a fan club. Google