lunedì, 17 giugno 2024, 13:07
Sito: OpenMoodle
Corso: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossario: MEDIA

pie chart

- kruhový graf

1. A pie chart can help the retailer or business-person see at a glance exactly where the money goes. BNC

2. If you look at a pie chart of how public money is spent in this country, it's difficult to find the slice that is the arts. BNC

3. Like the pie chart (see page 149), the line graph is a way of presenting figures in visual form. BNC

brilliant article

- vynikající, skvělý článek

1. Thanks for providing me with a brilliant article for the summer edition of Cymru Wledig. Wasps

2. I would like to congratulate you on your brilliant article on the Kwikmas pudding. Wasps

3. PFK has published some brilliant articles on the construction of trickle filters at little cost. Wasps

comic strip

- kreslený seriál na pokračování v periodickém tisku

1. The Dovecot is offering an insight into The Guardian's long-running comic strip known as BIFF. BNC

2. To be specific, do Jewish and Arabic readers have comic strips that read from right to left. Wasps

3. Unlike Felix the Cat or Mickey Mouse, brought to life in motion pictures, Asterix started off in a comic strip. BNC

control knob

- (otáčecí) knoflík

1. Instead, one hand guides the main trigger handle, and the other grips the cutter depth control knob of the front. BNC

2. Fit VR2 control knob and adjust both VR1 and VR2 sliding contacts fully anti-clockwise (to provide minimum timings). BNC

3. A control knob is rotated to change the setting of the thermostat. BNC

jot down

- zapsat si, zaznamenat si něco

1. He began to jot down figures in two columns and he talked as he wrote. BNC

2. Jot down on paper answers which you think adequately cover all the points. BNC

3. First decide on the video format, and then jot down a short-list of the features you consider to be really essential, bearing in mind the cost of the models which include these. BNC

do a retake

- opakovat záběr

1. Peck wanted to do a retake of the scene but Wyler refused. WebC

2. Sonic starts trashing the bots until Robotnik offers to do a retake of the Sally-being-fired-upon scene from "Taking The Fall" and improving his aim this time. WebC

3. Bruce Willis didn't decide to do a retake. WebC

in alphabetical order

- podle abecedy

1. Articles and selected books are abstracted and arranged in alphabetical order of subject. BNC

2.  Each member state takes it in turn in alphabetical order: currently it is Portugal, and from July onwards it is the UK. BNC

3. Bibliography, which cites the principal sources on which you have drawn for your research, in alphabetical order of authors' surnames. BNC

breach of contract

- porušení smlouvy

1. So if you are dismissed before the agreed age, you might have a claim for breach of contract, but not for unfair dismissal if you are over the normal retiring age for colleagues in your class of work. BNC

2. You are entitled to a money refund for breach of contract. BNC

3. It applies in exactly the same way in the case of a breach of contract by the seller. BNC

bird's eye view

- pohled z ptačí perspektivy, ptačí perspektiva

1. Edited by Richard Evans, who oversees some of the world's greatest tennis tournaments, the book offers a bird's eye view of the Tour, not least because of some of the superb colour photography contained within it. BNC

2. A good selective bibliography gives a bird's eye view of the subject literature, and where a reliable source of this kind already exists, stock revision in the subject area is considerably simplified. BNC

3. One alternative Chinese perspective is shen yuan , in which the viewer is placed as if on a hill, and the horizon line is thus high up, almost a bird's eye view. BNC

canned laughter

- smích z playbacku

1. You do not warm to this lady, who delivers her lines to camera as if waiting for the canned laughter. BNC

2. Although in places you may feel the canned laughter machine is exaggerating --; the script isn't that funny; the show definitely has its moments. BNC

3. A spokeswoman for the BBC says the show did not use canned laughter but had been filmed in front of a live studio audience. WebC

clear a fault

- odstarnit chybu

1. Standard "static" UPS technology is the least costly, but requires the electric grid to be available to clear a fault. WebC

2. This will clear a fault in any SLC that has a key switch & Model 5's.

3. The average time to clear a fault by remote diagnostics is 1 hrs 12 mins. WebC

candid camera

- skrytá kamera

1. I thought it was Candid Camera I couldn't stop laughing. BNC

2. Smile, you're on candid camera! BNC

3. As she said, everyone else seemed to think they were on Candid Camera. Wasps


- detail

1. The Movietone cameraman zoomed in to get a close-up of the notice being fixed in place. Wasps

2. The Defence Minister barely flinched as the camera zoomed in for a close-up of his face as they ran the famous film clip from mid-December. Wasps

3. He regularly went to the pictures to gorge himself upon the facial close-ups of the movie queens. Wasps

copyright law

- autorský zákon

1. The company writes to the culprits, invoking the copyright laws as it reads them. Wasps

2. As far as Europe is concerned, it is hoped that variations in copyright laws can soon be harmonised. Wasps

3. It requires Member States to protect electronic databases under copyright law. Wasps

drop a program(me)

- stáhnou z programu

1. The FCC is full of shit, if they want to do something good then provide Al Franken with a show to combat the shit that O'Riley spews all the damn time - but don't fine a broadcaster to the point they have to drop a program. WebC

2. In some instances, districts may drop a program because of budget probléme. WebC

3. It is fair enough to drop a program that's not rating, but it has replaced it with the Brady Bunch. WebC