terça-feira, 18 de junho de 2024 às 19:58
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: MEDIA

reject an allegation

- odmítnout obvinění

1. The People's Party reacted by rejecting the allegations, and accused Ruml of violating the election law ban on campaigning within the 48 hours before polling began. BNC

2. The Indian government rejected the allegations, but as the USA was India's principal trading partner, any sanctions had the potential to cause serious damage to imports of vital items and exports of high-value foreign exchange earners. BNC

3. Borders Regional Council's education committee chairman, Riddle Dumble, denied there was a hit-list of schools and rejected allegations that each review process was a foregone conclusion. BNC

catch sb's eye

- upoutat někoho, zaujmout něčí pozornost

1. As I flicked through the pages one Friday evening an advertisement caught my eye. BNC

2. What caught his eye was the headline: 'Speedy Toxic Waste Eater'. BNC

3. The book also contained writings on topographical and biblical matters of a general nature; one entry caught my eye. BNC

cut out

- vystřihnout

1. He returned in a moment with a piece cut out of a Bath newspaper. BNC

2. The other finger-ring key on the right of the photograph has a slot cut out of the bit, with notches on the end. BNC

3. Roast potatoes, carrots and greens mixed with dandelion leaves went with the meat; then bread and butter pudding --; Prince Charles's favourite recipe cut out of a magazine. BNC

come out

- vycházet (noviny)

1. Er we used to have the works magazine that was come out every month. BNC

2. Publication dates for the eight-pager, which comes out around nine times a year, are flexible, to encompass major events or announcements. BNC

3. Does that come out every month? BNC

break down

- porouchat se

1. We would have converted it to run off the engine, but the trouble is that if the engine broke down, you wouldn't be able to get the bonnet up to look at it! BNC

2. The turning point for them came when their car broke down after a family christening. BNC

3. The Redcar offshore lifeboat was called to the aid of a fishing vessel which broke down off the coast yesterday. BNC

all talk and no action

- spousta řečí a skutek utek, samé řeči a práce žádná

1. But they do admit that it's still more often than not a case of all talk and no action when boys discuss sex in the playground. BNC

2. Britain is all talk and no action. BNC

3. Helen Coonan simply highlights that the Howard Government is all talk and no action on tax abuse. WebC

area news

- oblastní zprávy

1. The Area News section of the newsletter is separated into subsections, one for each area. WebC

2. He will be taking over the writing of the monthly area news and organisation of the year's events. WebC

3. We have ambitious plans for the site, including the regular posting of area news. WebC

new facts are coming to light

- vycházejí najevo nové skutečnosti

1. Since this new series is still a work in progress, new facts are coming to light with every new game. WebC

2. New information and new facts were coming to light about Clinton and Whitewater. WebC

3. This is a very fluid situation, and new facts are coming to light every day. WebC

learn all the essentials

- dozvědět se vše podstatné

1. Learn all the essentials of success in this highly competitive field. WebC

2. Learn all the essentials of database administration with this interactive, easy-to-use CD!Database. WebC 

3. Learn all the essentials of email security,s o your company can better defend against today's thread and prepare for tomorrow's emerging risks. WebC

make a disclosure

- učinit odhalení

1. It would be necessary to make full disclosure of the arrangement in the financial statements. Wasps

2. This family was the second detected and our practice has since been modified to make a disclosure no sooner than 6 weeks.

3. Lord Templeman has given examples of Parliament's encroachments on the principle (sometimes involving a measure of protection for the person compelled to make disclosure, and sometimes not) and Lord Ackner has reminded your Lordships that the principle is not immutable. BNC

argue convincingly

- přesvědčivě argumentovat

1. While it is difficult to argue convincingly that one system of taxation is superior to another, strong positions are still taken according to ideological commitment. BNC

2. He must argue convincingly for that during the debate. BNC

3. After the Williams Report, it was very hard to argue convincingly for a laissez-faire approach to screen entertainment. BNC

unbiased and frank

- nepředpojatý/nezkreslený a otevřený

1. Our contributors are unbiased and frank in providing you with trading and investment ideas you need to service your clients. WebC

2. LightPharma is committed to providing unbiased and frank analysis of the trends in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and routinely monitors industry trends within the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry at both an overall industry and individual company level. WebC

3. In return you will gain an unbiased and frank assessment of the business with, if appropriate, constructive criticism of an objective nature. WebC

keep up to date

- stále informovat o všem novém

1. The reader should endeavour to keep up to date with oil market developments because of their impact upon the international economy and financial system. BNC

2. To keep up to date on developments in farm animal welfare, join Compassion in World Farming.BNC

3. We recommend that you visit the periodicals area each week, to keep up to date with one or two topics that particularly interest you. BNC

crossword puzzle

- křížovka

1. Memory loss was the worst aspect, the fact that he was unable to complete a crossword puzzle in ten minutes as he once could troubled him. BNC

2. I do not believe, though many readers are convinced of it, that this is what finally attracts them, otherwise they might just as well do a crossword puzzle. BNC

3. He read the leading articles in less than five minutes, noticed the news of a friend's death, and then settled down to solve a crossword puzzle in the Daily Telegraph, which he finished just as we steamed into Baker Street. BNC

have a nose for scandal

- mít čich pro skandály

1. Others never worked for the mainstream media at all, but they have a nose for scandal, and because they are not bound by any ethical considerations, they resort to the worst forms of blackmail. WebC

2. An activist in the African-American community in New York, the woman has a nose for scandal and corruption. WebC

3. She had a nose for scandal, a knack for flip headlines, a reportorial "skepticism" more snarky than investigative. WebC