sobota, 29. června 2024, 12.19
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

a brain box

a very intelligent person

Quizzes - see if you're a brain box! Google

Please if you want to chat on this subject or any other REMEMBER im not a brain
box ok... Google

More facts about Will Young! Will is a bit of a brain box - he went to Exeter University when he turned 19 and studied Politics. Google

make the grade

reach a desired standard in ability, education, social or popular acceptance

Swenson is proud to have made the grade. Google

Atlanta made the grade, with the 5th highest number of well-educated residents in America. Google

 I think I finally made the grade, I've become world's worst on empathy.  Google

make no mistake

do not be misled by appearances into believing sth that subsequent events or further information will show to be untrue or not the case

Cold Mountain is the twelfth review containing your catch-phrase "make no mistake"! ... I
thought I hadn't reached my yearly allotment of "make no mistake"s yet.  Google

Make no mistake this time.  Google

Make no mistake about it. Google

lose/find one´ s tongue

be reticent or silent whenexpected to speak/reply after being reticent or silent

You ask me what I mean by saying I have lost my tongue. Google

 I was shocked, I lost my tongue and my eyes were blind after all I had seen, blind with tears.  Google

I seem to have lost my tongue Or is it my mind? Google

one lives and learns

one picks up many useful or surprising pieces of information in the course of one´s life

It turned out to be illegal, but one lives and learns. Google

Before I got on the internet and got ICQ, I thought it where hard to
finde nice down to earth girls, but one lives and learns, eh? Google

It’s rather a continuing creative process where one lives and learns. Google

A little learning is a dangerous thing

partial or superficial knowledge or information leads to more serious errors than complete ignorance

A little learning is a dangerous
thing, but a lot of ignorance is just as bad. Google

A little learning is a dangerous thing, but we must take
that risk because a little is as much as our biggest heads can hold.  Google

So they can only be talking about a superficial familiarity, not a deep understanding.
As Alexander Pope said, a little learning is a dangerous thing. Google

the laughing academy

a lunatic asylum and institution for the care, education... of mentally handicaped or mentally ill people

Not one of the PCers ever suggested that Turner or Cox was a candidate for the laughing
academy.  Google

Poor Dr Nash winds up at the laughing academy in a jacket that
does up at the back, with electrodes attached to his temples. Google

Wain went to the laughing academy while middle-class legions, ignorant
of his way loco motion, continued to coo over the cat scans. Google

know all the answers

believe that one´s information, opinions or judgements are correct and noy hesitate to express them feely

If someone knows all the answers, they think they know much more than other people.  Google

An expert knows all the answers -- if you ask the right questions. Google

Heck of a way to get dates; act dumb, and pretend he knows all the answers.  Google

the king/Queen´s English

standard English as contrasted with regional dialects, slang, substandard or foreign English

There will also be a discussion of what Katie Wales (1994) refers to as the "Queen’s"
English and where this fits into the continuum of British accents. Google

When you come to work you’re going to practice the Queen’s English. Google

However, we didn’t speak ‘broken’ English
because we lacked the ability to speak the Queen’s English. Google

jog one´s memory

remind sb off /about sth

However, you jogged my memory so I made a compass out
of the magnet which is only 3/8" diameter and 3/16" thick. Google

Posting this thread jogged my memory and I got it five seconds later. Google

Sometimes that time was the gift that jogged my memory enough to remember
facts such as, oops, they have 3 children now, not two. Google

it´s not what you do, it´s the way that you do it

the effect, impact of the action depends on the style, manner, in which it is performed

What makes your company/services different from other copywriters? As the
song says: it’s not what you do, it’s the way that you do it. Google

Everyday I think of you ’cause I really
like the way you make me feel It’s not what you do, it’s the way you do ...  Google

I always believed that in art and life, it’s not what you do, it’s the
way you do it; it’s not what you say, it’s the way you say it.  Google

it´s later than you think

there is less time or opportunity for sth than one deceives oneself into believing

SPEAK UP! IT’S LATER THAN YOU THINK! Please read this important disclaimer. Google

It’s later than you think. It’s Christmas! 3. If something comes with gravy, use it.  Google

If there’sa theme to all this, it could be: Enjoy yourself — it’s later than you think. Google

history repeats itself

sth that has occured in the past, happens, is likely to happen, again

Although a perfect is clearly an utopia, monopolies explain why history repeats itself over and over.  Google

History repeats itself - and it we don't learn from it, including its success stories - then we are doomed to repeat its failures. Google

History repeats itself is a hard phrase to swallow up.  Google

in plain English

bluntly or straightforwadly expressed

Most of the UK's biggest insurance companies
produce policies that explain everything fully in plain English.  Googlr

Friendly expert computer help in plain English, not geek-speak. Google

Here is all our experience of writing in plain English - condensed
into a 27-page booklet that will fit into your pocket or purse. Google

have one´say

be allowed to express one´s opinion

It was then decided to burn the remains of the tree, but once again the Bookbinder had his say.  Google

Everbody has had his say about the Prague unification agreement. Google

Even Rush Limbaugh had his say, lambasting Cobain as a scruffy delinquent
who had fooled everybody and offed himself out of weakness. Google