sobota, 29. června 2024, 12.12
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

have a brainwave

have a sudden inspiration or a good idea

I had a brainwave and this one is worth cash to YOU. Google

Colette Lauper had a brainwave while volunteering at a leper hospital
in India (Colette Lauper).  Google

Whenever they had a brainwave heaven ducked for cover. Google

a hard day´s night

staying up late or all night, possibly on special duties, but esp. to drink, dance etc.

It’s been a hard day’s night And I’ve been working like a dog It’s been a
hard day’s night I should be sleeping like a log ... Google

A hard day’s night. It's hard to work when everyone around you is
having a good time.  Google

After hard day’s night, Santa and elves back
at PeaceCorner. Google

the golden rule

the best, most useful course to adopt

The Golden Rule. HINDU: This is the sum of duty; do naught unto others
which if done to thee would cause thee pain.  Google

" The Golden Rule not the Rule of Gold ".  Google

They learnt the golden rule, which is ‘Do for others what you want them to do
to you.’  Google

give sb to understand

make sb think sth is true, lead sb to believe

She gave me to understand that she disliked being called
"Billie Ruth", though that's what most folks called her.  Google

Sometimes Verlaine gave me to understand that it was his intention to come with me,
in justice, as he put it, to his wife and his wife's family ;  Google

He let out a long, satisfying sigh, and gave me to understand he
was about to reveal something he had never told anyone before.  Google

(not) give sb/sth a thought

not think of, or about sb/sth at all

She took a quick look around to check who saw but Wallace
looked down and she didn't give him a thought.  Google

All of you just went on
with your lives and didn't give him a thought. Google

One of the passengers was a large gentleman, but I didn't give
him a thought until the stewardess asked everyone their weight. Google

give sb/have sth to think/talk about

present sb with/have a problem, difficult decision to make

 What did you give him to think about?"  Google

The longer you give him to think about this after we approach him, the more
circumstances he may come up with. Google

I spent a lot of time going through the Bible today asking God to show me verses
I should give him to think about, as he hardly ever reads the Bible, and I ...  Google

give sb full marks (for sth)

give sb the greatest possible praise and credit

He is not scared of the short ball and I give him full marks for that, but the Indian team will have to look for a different wicketkeeper.  Google

But I give him full marks for sticking up for his teammates. Google

So the Jury did not give him full marks for his story.  Google

give sb furiously to think

puzzle sb, make sb think hard

He can kodak those five hearts to the ten all in East's hand, and it gives him furiously to think.  Google

This surprised Wobbler and gave him furiously to think.  Google

Such an unexpected tirade from the normally peaceable possum had quite a surprisingly
mollifying effect on the irascible wombat and gave him furiously to think. Google

gilded youth

young people, esp. of the rich upper classes, with the means and leisure to enjoy themselves

The Gilded Youth. ... Fréron gave the watchword to the "gilded youth"
(jeunesse dorée), as they called the group he had organized.  Google

The Alarm became the anthem of young reactionaries who called themselves "gilded
youth."  Google

These men surpassed dukes and marquises by their haughty
looks And outshone the capital's gilded youth.  Google

give (sb) a civil answer to a civil question

show (sb) ordinady and reasonable courtesy in answering an ordinary question

So the Irishman repeated it, but without drawing forth a reply. “Sure, yer
a paltry thing that can’t give a civil answer to a civil question.”.  Google

Haven't you even learnt as much as to
give a civil answer to a civil question?" he said angrily. Google

The fairies have their tiffs with the birds, but they usually give a civil answer
to a civil question. Google

get wise (to sb/sth)

become aware of sth, or of qualities or behaviour in sb

Indonesia gets wise to rodent problem. Google

The idiot box gets wise.  Google

When Will Voters Finally Get Wise to the Shell Game? Google

get/have the idea

perceive, understand, esp. what another has described, proposed or demonstrated to one

Where did Joseph Smith get the idea that "Navuoo" means "beautiful" in
Hebrew? google

Where do people get the idea Howard
Dean's a liberal?  Google

How I Got the Idea... During the early 90's I read some different news
articles about Russian corrective eye surgeries. Google

get a dusty answer

geta disappointing negative answer to a question or a request

Auditors got a dusty answer when they sought more legal protection for their partnership
structure. Google

Mr Fell said: "History records that he got a dusty answer but 10 years later we were chasing him.".  Google

Mr Brennan’s plea also got a dusty answer from Lee Jasper, Ken Livingstone’s Senior Policy Advisor on policing.  Google

genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains

exceptional creative or inventive capacity is the product of an inexhaustible willingness to take great trouble

When Wellington wrote "genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains", he was writing, primarily, about logistics.  WebC

It is sometimes said that genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains; it would be truer to say that genius has the love which makes all pains easy.  WebC

But if one definition of genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains, then Howard indeed fits the bill.  WebC

read sb´s mind/thoughts

know what sb thinks, wants or plans

 Martain Manhunter already read his mind before Wally even told everyone. Google

He read his mind and gave him the chance to tell it himself just like Batman did.  Gogle

You read his mind and reveal the number he was thinking. Google