středa, 3. července 2024, 16.43
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

there is no absolute standard of beauty blush 

Art is supposed to be subjective, it's beauty lies in the eye of the beholder.  WebC

Let it never again be said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, yet let it be said that beauty lies in the work of Jim Mountford.  WebC

While it is said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, a flattering hairstyle and the right touch of makeup can play up your best features to draw attention to them. WebC

beat one´s brains

puzzle, think very hard in order to solve a problem

A contemporary coinage by the press, I suppose, beats my brains in establishing any possibility of a coherence in between the constituent words and the meaning. WebC

Though why the young should do so beats my brains. WebC

My 68 MGB beats my brains out driving at 70 mph. WebC

bear fruit

show results

This is still an isolated case but it shows that our steadfastness will bear fruit and that, with your support, ultimately we will prevail. WebC

I can truly say that the response was overwhelming and will bear fruit for many years to come. WebC

Web-based design tools bear fruit for engineers. WebC

be (all) Greek to sb

be something that sb cannot understand, especially talk or writing that is obscure, allusive

She leant across and said, `;This is all Greek to me.'; BNCI

If this is all greek to you and you want more information, all you need is a satellite digital receiver. WebC

If all this sounds more than a little confusing and inaccessible, anyone not well schooled in the Greek tale is indeed likely to be swept with a sense of "this is all greek to me." WebC

be three sheets in the wind

be very drunk

Maybe somebody is three sheets in the wind, just totally drunk and shouldn't even be behind the wheel. WebC

He goes up Tower Hill to-morrow night at nine o'clock, walking very slow and very unsteady on 'is pins, and giving my two beauties the idea that 'e is three sheets in the wind. WebC

There was much merry chat in the booking hall as we queued for tickets, until a character whom I suspected, nasty though this may seem, of being a politician of some description suddenly appeared. He was quite obviously three sheet in the wind, and accompanied by a smug-looking chauffeur. WebC

be dog tired

be very tired

Sorry, not much to say but my brain is dog tired, I'm sure my boss hates me. WebC

Even though everybody is dog tired and thoroughly soaked.  WebC

Even now, my H works long hours (his unit is getting ready to deploy) and he is dog tired when he gets home.  WebC

at the top of sb´s voice

talk, call, shout, scream, yell, shriek, bawl

very loudly indeed

Cheryl's three words were hardly finished before Angela was racing back to the farmhouse shouting at the top of her voice.  BNCI

She was beside herself, shouting at the top of her voice for the second time that day.  BNCI

She immediately sprang to her feet and shouted at the top of her voice: `;HEY HAL.  BNCI

a bag/bundle of nerves

overwrought, nervous, easily frightened, a nervous wreck

I had two big conflicts and would end the day a bag of nerves, not knowing whether I'd come home with anything.  BNCI

My speech impediment makes people think I'm a bag of nerves, but it's not true.  BNCI

The irony is that this month, while you're exuding such apparent confidence, you'll feel on the inside like a bag of nerves.  BNCI

at the last minute

almost too late

It seems the Iridium satellites have been saved at the last minute! WebC

I begin early, although I like to leave a few gifts to buy at the last minute.  WebC

Your best defense against a deal falling apart at the last minute is a tightly written purchase contract--one that anticipates and ties up as many loopholes as possible after full disclosure of any defects in the property. WebC

at the eleventh hour

almost, but not quite, too late to do something, at the last minute

The Billabong had been saved at the eleventh hour.  BNCI

Although the outlook may seem bleak, a constructive approach towards consultation might result in hitherto unconsidered options coming to light which could enable your job to be saved at the eleventh hour.  BNCI

She had come to the Centre in the depths of despair, weeping, gnashing her teeth and venting her hatred upon the doctors who had told her, at the eleventh hour that she had cancer and nothing could be done.  BNCI

(as) wise as Solomon

be, become, prove

very wise, having good judgement

George Chase of Ripon, good as gold and wise as Solomon, but even shyer than Ramsey and without his intellectual bite? BNCI

Faced with a similar choice, even someone as wise as Solomon would have thrown himself upon the most jagged of rocks rather than render a verdict -- especially if he had to watch Bette and Welcome to New York back-to-back. WebC

You do not have to be as wise as Solomon, says Voshchanov, to predict that the next Duma will break records in terms of how many members are representing big business. WebC

(as) wise as an owl

be, look, seem

very wise

I go down yonder, and sit in a big chair, and look as wise as an owl, and send poor devils to prison: this is the utmost I have attained to. WebC

Discover whether you're as wise as an owl... or as silly as a starfish! WebC

Josh is as brave as a lion, Harriet is as wise as an owl, and Jessica is always as good as gold--or so they think, until an adventure far below the world we know helps them exchange their surface thinking for a deeper understanding of courage, wisdom, and goodness. WebC

(as) white as chalk/a sheet

very pale in appearance as a result of illness, fear, shock

Frederick was sitting up, white as chalk. BNCI

He went as white as a sheet and backed off immediately. BNCI

Chrissie Stone looked out at them, and they could see that her face was as white as a sheet.  BNCI

(as) patient as Job

very patient, tolerant

His own wife had been as patient as Job, God rest her soul, but the early days had been hard for her. WebC

But there he stood as patient as Job. WebC

The next morning the first object which presented itself was my husband fishing for his boots with his whip, and I thought of the tines when his slippers chanced to be moved a few inches from the place where he left them the previous night, and concluded be would be as patient as Job himself by the time he arrived in California. WebC

(as) pale as death

very pale on account of illness, shock or fright

She suddenly went as pale as death and I thought she was going to faint.  Oxford Dict. of current Id. English

His face as pale as death, and his lips trembling, he stammered out the dreadful news. Oxford Dict. of current Id. English 

When Sappho looks at this friend, "her tongue will not move, a subtle fire burns under her skin, her eyes see no longer, her ears ring, she breaks into a sweat, she trembles, she is as pale as death which seem so near. Google