středa, 3. července 2024, 17.37
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

(as) nervous as a cat/kitten

be, become, feel

apprehensive, easily startled

And i tried to appear as HAPPY as I can but I sure was nervous as cat being chased by animal haters. WebC

I was as nervous as kitten all morning! WebC

Well, I´ll tell you I was as nervous as a kitten when I started. Oxford Dictionary of Current Idiomatic English

a wet blanket

sb who spoils other people´s enjoyment of something by refusing to join in an activity

We were all having a good time until Harold walked in and started acting like a wet blanket. Google

Hating to resemble a wet blanket he held his peace.  BNCI

But I haven't done anything --; except be an absolute misery,'; she added honestly as she realised for perhaps the first time what a wet blanket she had been.  BNCI

The morose Mitchells wins the wet blanket award.  BNCI

in black and white

in print or writing

My work was executed in pen and ink, mainly stipple, and with this background and my interest in black and white work, I would love to see more articles on this aspect of illustrating.  BNCI

 I've got it here in, in, in black and white, Mao said what we are after is the abolition of feudal ties, to get rid of feudalism.  BNCI

Perhaps now, now she had finally written it down, could stare at the irretrievable words, written in black and white, she would be able to accept the way things had to be, she would have the strength to return.  BNCI

have/know all answers

be or seem to be more intelligent or know more than others

…its a woman who seeks truth, knows all answears are found within, and always strives to do her best. WebC

He knows all answers to your questions concerning safe solarium visits. WebC

She knows all answers and can give you advise on everything! WebC

The dickens you say!

To je neuvěřitelné!/při překvapení nebo zmatení

Also quickness can be ascribed as in "quick as the dickens," cleverness of speech as in "the dickens you say." WebC

Let's focus in on "dickens" as the important word here, since there are lots of different expressions with it in, such as "what the dickens", "where the dickens", "the dickens you are!", and "the dickens you say!".

He will also use the phrase, "the dickens you say!" and it will crack me up.

teach sb the ropes

to show someone how to do a job or activity

Lynn spent an afternoon showing the new girl the ropes. (Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

I tried to talk the guy into hiring me to work for &GREATER; him the first week to teach him the ropes but he didn't take me up on it. WebC

He goes so far as to pay a suburban family to take him and teach him the ropes of being a "normal kid." WebC

crowning achievement

úžasný výsledek, korunované vítězství

But all of those things pale in comparison to the game's true crowning achievement: This game has excellent AI. Hands down. WebC

Virginia Woolf is one of the greatest novelists of the twentieth century, and To the Lighthouse is perhaps her crowning achievement. WebC

Perhaps at a different level, this could be called your "crowning achievement"  WebC

pronounced accent

zřetelný/silný přízvuk

If you do have some vocal qualities that may not make your own voice sound appealing, such as a pronounced accent or speech impediment, then you may want to recruit a volunteer to do the spot. Google

The book is thus completed with a record including seven cantes with a pronounced accent from the Americas. Google

He's a German immigrant with a pronounced accent and he's rearranging a forest of flourishing begonias. Google

any judge/lawyer/teacher etc. worth their salt

any judge, lawyer, teacher etc. who is good at their job 

Any lawyer worth his salt should be aware of the latest changes in taxation.(Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

No judge worth her salt would attempt to influence the jury.(Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

I don't think any judge worth their salt has a problem putting their expertise in their part of this art form out for scrutiny after all it is what we ask the dancers to do every single time
they compete why should judges be any different.....??? Google

with your teacher's/lawyer's etc. hat on

to be acting as you do when you are working as a teacher, lawyer etc., which may be different from the way you act in other situations 

I'd like to talk to you with your lawyer's hat on. WebC

May I ask you with your lawyer's hat on, do you see as a result of a piece of legislation like this there will be more legal action, more judicial review?  Google

be wearing your teacher´s /lawyer´s hat

to be acting as you do when you are working as a teacher, lawyer etc., which may be different from the way you act in other situations 

I was wearing my teacher's hat at the meeting. (Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

Wearing my teacher's hat I am excited by some of the modular schemes available at A-level, particularly those which enable the modules to be examined throughout the course and points aggregated for a grade at the end. WebC

When I was wearing my teacher´s hat, I was in a classroom with 16 students working on degrees in teachimg English as foreign language. Google

take thought

think, concentrate one´s attention on sth specific

"Take thought in translating ‘tongues’."

Take thought of them; that good may come to them take thought. google

You either accept it, or take thought about
it. If you take thought about it - nothing but frustration happens.  google

spaek/talk the same language

share a way of expressing oneself

There is a saying that mystics
speak the same language, and that is the case.  google

Do Muslims and Christians speak the same language? Google

The challenge facing many smaller entrepreneurs and real
estate institutions is the ability to speak the same language.Google

be too much like hard work

be too energetic or troublesome an activity, sport, pastime etc. for somebody to want to do

Anything bigger than this is too much like hard work.';  BNCI

It was all too much like hard work. BNCI

(De-rigging the spinnaker had sounded too much like hard work.)  BNCI

the small/fine print

the rules, restrictions, conditions which are often written in very small letters

Unfortunately, the small print is different,
as could be expected from an administration run by oilmen. Google

How to read the small print? Google

BUPA warns people to check the small print. Google