středa, 3. července 2024, 16.47
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

preparatory/prep school

v Británii jde o private school pro děti, hlavně chlapce od 7-13, kteří pak pokračují v public school; v USA pro děti od 11 let, připravuje je na střední školu (college).

Cam Tech is known throughout Florida as the only exam prep school for contractors to attend! WebC

It is a college preparatory school headed by Dr Norman A. Palmer. BNC

He was first sent to a strictly protestant preparatory school in Cheam. BNC

parochial school

typ soukromé školy, která zahrnuje i náboženské vzdělání; většinou jde o grammar or high school vedenou kostelem nebo farností

junior school

škola (UK) pro děti od 7-11 let

Two 11-year-old boys, Ian Jones from Northampton, and Jason Kan, in his final year at Bollis junior school in Mill Hill, north London, achieved a grade A in maths. WebC

A study tracking children who took part in the first pilot literacy hour schemes in their final year at junior school in 1996-7, through to the end of compulsory education in 2002, is the first to chart the longer-term results of the daily focus on reading and writing. WebC

A day after Cambridge university academics showed how creative arts were being squeezed from the curriculum, the winner of the award for lifetime achievement, Alison Renvoize, from St Paul's junior school in Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, was proof that with a great teacher and enlightened headteacher, pupils can still experience enriching and rewarding music lessons. WebC

junior high (school)

škola (US) pro děti od 12-15 let

The D.C. public schools offer neighborhood elementary and middle or junior high schools and a choice of 16 senior high schools.WebC

Steve and Doug, who took seven years to graduate from high school, still share the same bedroom, which seems to have been decorated when they were in junior high.WebC

On Jan. 31, Christian ordered two elementary schools and a junior high school to close -- even though school maintenance workers testified that they had carried out the necessary repairs at two of the schools. WebC

graduate school

vysoká škola (US) pro studenty, kteří už absolvovali první cyklus

Graduate school guide has a database you can search by location and academic subject as well as a question and answer section on applying to graduate school.WebC

GM school/grant-maintained school

škola (GB), která je placena ze státních dotací

"As a former GM school, our governing body is used to being responsible for everything," says another. WebC

They saw him refusing to apologise for sending his children to the best state school in London, even though it was just the sort of grant-maintaned school that his Government had undermined.WebC

For the Blairs, who infuriated Labour traditionalists by choosing a grant=maintaned school for Euan, 15, and Nicky, 13, the contributions would cost £540 a year. WebC

grade school

škola pro děti od 5 do 14

All in all, not a film for those with an education above grade school level. WebC

Everyone knew her from school - she directed the plays in grade school, would take in kids who were going through divorces, knew and loved and was not shy about hugging any of them. WebC

The site is written in grade school American English and the company hasn't bothered with a European makeover. WebC

school's out

"padla" pro dnešní den nebo celý školní rok

When the bell rings at 3:30, school's out! Yea! (Magnuson: English Idioms)

Count the days, hrs, min, sec until school is out for Christmas vacation! WebC

After school is out in April, we have a week of teacher's meetings where we evaluate the year. WebC

convent school

církevní škola, vyučují jeptišky

Until I turned 18, I was at a girls' convent school. The nuns used to make us kneel on the floor... (WebC)

The Presentation Sisters decided to establish a convent and a convent school in the community. WebC

Once a convent school for girls - some of whom boarded in this lovely old house - Le Couvent, is full of history and charm. WebC

school of hard knocks

lekce od života, tvrdá škola života

Teachers taught me what I should know; the school of hard knocks taught me what I must know. (Wayne Magnuson: English Idioms)

An early training in the school of hard knocks was good preparation for a career in politics.
(Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

Call it the school of hard knocks, the street reality. WebC

You can´t teach an old dog new tricks.

je těžké přeučovat někoho něco, co dělal po svém celý život, dlouhou dobu

You're never going to teach your father at the age of 79 to use a computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, you know.(Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

teach sb his place

přimět někoho, aby akceptoval své sociální postavení ve společnosti nebo obecně svou pozici

As for the odd one who stands out from the pack and refuses to back down to wayward politicians, he can always be told to defer to Parliament or some such crap that is supposed to teach him his place in our great democracy. WebC

So they decided the best way to teach him his place was to show his foul acts on public TV. WebC

He promised himself that some day he would teach him his place and give him a lesson, for life at home was becoming very painful as a result of these constant scenes. WebC

teach sb a lesson

dát/udělit někomu lekci

The next time she's late, go without her. That should teach her a lesson. (Cambridge International Dict. of Id.)

Oh, I won´t do him any harm. Teach him a usefull lesson, I hope. (Longman Dict. of English Id.)

I decided to teach my young brother a lesson after I cought him hurting our cat. (Longman D.o.E.I.)

teach your grandmother to suck eggs

poučovat někoho o něčem, o čem on už ví více než já

You're teaching your grandmother to suck eggs, Ted. I've been playing this game since before you were born! (Cambridge International Dict. of Idioms)

He´s always telling the director how to run the business; that´s like teaching his garndmother to suck eggs. (Longman Dict. of English Id.)

Don´t try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. (Longman Dict. of English Id.)

leave school

vyjít ze školy/opustit školu

My parents both died before I left the School of Italian Studies. BNC

Although he won a place at art college after leaving school, it soon bacame apparent that he couldn´t draw. BNC

You leave school in a few weeks and you´ve got to make yourself a living. BNC