söndag, 19 maj 2024, 09:20
Startsida: OpenMoodle
Kurs: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

GM school/grant-maintained school

škola (GB), která je placena ze státních dotací

"As a former GM school, our governing body is used to being responsible for everything," says another. WebC

They saw him refusing to apologise for sending his children to the best state school in London, even though it was just the sort of grant-maintaned school that his Government had undermined.WebC

For the Blairs, who infuriated Labour traditionalists by choosing a grant=maintaned school for Euan, 15, and Nicky, 13, the contributions would cost £540 a year. WebC

go to school

chodit do školy

I am afarid the time has come for you to go to school. BNC

I´ll go to his bloody school, but they won´t make an Englishman out of me. BNC

i want to go to school and get qualifications. BNC

grade school

škola pro děti od 5 do 14

All in all, not a film for those with an education above grade school level. WebC

Everyone knew her from school - she directed the plays in grade school, would take in kids who were going through divorces, knew and loved and was not shy about hugging any of them. WebC

The site is written in grade school American English and the company hasn't bothered with a European makeover. WebC

graduate school

vysoká škola (US) pro studenty, kteří už absolvovali první cyklus

Graduate school guide has a database you can search by location and academic subject as well as a question and answer section on applying to graduate school.WebC

grammar school

hlavně v minulosti; Britská škola, děti 11-18 let, s dobrými výsledky; v Americe pro děti od 5-12 nebo od 5-14 let

Co-operation with the Technical School extended to letting the Grammar School out for evening lectures at a fee of two guineas per lecture. BNC

Thus the proportion of secondary school children going to grammar schools has always been positively related to social class. BNC

Secondary modern schools provide a general education for those who do not go to grammar schools. BNC


objevný, zasluhujicí uznání

Ground-breaking work in understanding of time. Google

Over one hundred people attended the ground breaking ceremony for the Branson Balloon and the release of 101 balloons worth over $50,000 in cash and prizes.  google

venture partners celebrate ground-breaking for polyurethanes complex in Shanghai. google