neděle, 2. června 2024, 11.12
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

alternative medicine

netradiční léčitelství

Acupuncture is widely used in human alternative medicine. (BNCI)

Alternative medicine is also becoming increasingly popular --; the latest figures show that one person in seven has seen a complementary practitioner within the past year. (BNCI)

In Homoeopathy and many other types of alternative medicine the patient's illness is placed in a much larger context. (BNCI)

environmental science

nauka o životním prostředí

The two trails have been designed as a flexible resource to provide ideal project material for environmental science, geography and history studies. (BNCI)

The buoyancy and expected future increase in student numbers in biological and molecular sciences and environmental science has led to an increased demand for courses in chemistry and physics. (BNCI)

Geography is an environmental science which draws on knowledge from the physical, natural and social sciences. (BNCI)

molecular biology

molekulární biologie

The introduction of foreign DNA sequences into mammalian cells mediated by DNA transfection is a basic method in modern molecular biology. (Google)

And they come from diverse backgrounds: not only physiologists but also physicists, molecular biologists and mathematicians are attracted into neuroscience which threatens to displace physics and even molecular biology as the queen of the sciences. (Google)

The revolution that resulted in molecular biology enabled us to begin to understand many of the processes in the cell at the molecular level, although it must be stressed that we have a long way to go. (Google)

to refute an argument

vyvrátit argument

Discuss how you refuted an argument in conversation or how you might refute an argument in the media using at least one of the approaches described in the chapter. (Google)

Well, every time he refuted an argument which you made, you ignored it or tried to distort what he said into something else. I would call that a "losing argument". (Google)

Scott refuted an argument that CSU doesn’t do a good enough job of making its free tickets available to students.(Google)

to outline the election programme

nastínit volební program

The party's central committee will convene at the end of January to outline the election programme which, according to Mohieddin, will place special emphasis on economic problems, price hikes, unemployment and housing.(Google)

to have a clearly defined policy

mít ujasněný plán, strategii

"The school has a clearly defined policy on drug-related issues."(Google)

What we can learn from this case is that it is imperative that an employer has a clearly defined policy regarding health coverage continuation during a leave of absence. (Google)

In order to attract investments, you have to convince the investors that the country has a clearly defined policy for next 10-20 years. (Gogle)

contender for the nomination

uchazeč o nominaci

In 1852, he was once again a contender for the nomination, lost again, and this time the winner he supported - Franklin Pierce - was elected.(Google)

Of all these contenders, Dukakis said Kerry, his former lieutenant governor, is one of the favorites for the democratic nomination.(Google)

John Edwards, a senator from South Carolina, is yet another contender for the nomination.(Google)

to organize a rally

organizovat veřejné shromáždění

Cass also helped organize a special rally to inform and motivate local pastors and churches.(Google)

In Kotli the PTUDC also organized a rally in which a large number of workers, students and activists of the PSF and PPP and Peoples Labour Bureau participated actively.(Google)

The Associated Students of the University of Utah have organized a rally at the Utah State Capitol at noon on Feb. 12.(Google)

to confirm the nomination

potvrdit nominaci

The Senate judiciary committee voted on Sept. 27 by 13 to one to confirm the nomination of Judge David Souter to the Supreme Court. (BNCI)

By a vote of 100 yeas to 0 nays, (Vote No. 4 EX), the Senate confirmed the nomination of Tommy G. Thompson, of Wisconsin, to be Secretary of Health and Human Services.(BNCI)

 The Senate last week confirmed the nomination of Josette Shiner, a former managing editor at The Washington Times, as deputy U.S. trade representative. (BNCI)

to put up a candidate

postavit kandidáta

STV propagandists let it be understood that each major party will put up a candidate for every seat. (BNCI)

A party, can present a list without having to put up a candidate in every or indeed in any constituency. (BNCI)

The PSD announced on April 30, 1990, that it would not put up a candidate against Soares in the next presidential elections, due in 1991. (BNCI)

general secretary

generální tajemník

Rodney Bickerstaffe, general secretary of the public employees' union Nupe, said that local management of schools, giving schools control over their own budgets would mean less money for education.(BNCI)

Meanwhile John Edmonds, general secretary of Britain's general union the GMB, claimed the rate rise would throw 250,000 people out of work. (BNCI)

Mr Mladenov followed his appointment as Communist Party General Secretary with a speech clearly aimed at the country's dissident movement, which has been growing. (BNCI)

middle-of-the-road party

strana politického středu

It is the party of small farmers and the lower middle-class; it is a middle-of-the-road party.(Google)

"I've always believed that the country was richer with a middle-of-the-road party such as the Liberal Party of Canada," said Rouselle. (Google)

Now, I think that all of us should hold this one truth in mind: every Republican, everybody he reaches, every independent, every discerning Democrat should be appealed to on the basis that we are truly a middle-of-the-road party and by that I don't mean just walking a wishy-washy path between right and wrong, not at all. (Google)

risky business

riskantní obchod, hazard

The market must hope, however, that its business units do not emulate the mistakes which occurred after the City's Big Bang and that the risky business of being a Lloyd's investor becomes no more precarious. (BNCI)

But, considering the amount of money you may lay out, buying Koi can also be a risky business. (BNCI)

In the first place, he argues, farming is a risky business (he compares it to `;road racing';) and if the demand for his products dries up then it is just bad luck on the farmer and his dependants. (BNCI)

war of words

slovní potyčka,dohadování

 The war of words intensified last week when Mr Clarke accused the unions of using patients as `;fodder for pay claims';. (BNCI)

But despite the political war of words over tax, she found it hard to prepare new strategies because no party had said very much about VAT. (BNCI)

Terry McDermott yesterday hit back in an angry war of words with Aberdeen boss Willie Miller (BNCI)

to go like a bomb

šlapat jedna radost, jít rychle

And when she worked here, she had her daughter working with her and they were a team and they went like a bomb. (BNCI)

His new car goes like a bomb. (Cambridge Dictionary)

Let's see things take off and go like a bomb, because there's a tremendous amount of work that needs to be done! (Google)