sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024 às 01:54
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

economic stability

hospodářská stabilita

1. The economic results of the reforms are very difficult to judge because the period was too short for any economic stability to be achieved. (BNCI)

2. I do believe that one of the best ways we're going to benefit from the new circumstances I hope of economic stability of low inflation and low taxation, will be to ensure that the provision of capital is made by the principle institutions, namely the banks and the investing institutions. (BNCI)

3.Most importantly, economic stability in Asia will require more active, positive economic engagement by the US with Japan and Korea.

election campaign

předvolební kampaň

If the free marketeers really have won the argument in the past 13 years, then the Tory rhetoricians in this election campaign certainly chose an odd way to celebrate the victory. (BNCI)

ANY suggestion that the population is bored stiff with the general election campaign was firmly refuted on Wednesday evening, by the amount of interest shown in the meeting of all four Winchester constituency candidates on the same platform in Alton. (BNCI)

With a parliamentary election campaign now in full swing, the failure of the Cunningham party to demonstrate sufficient political interest to keep their friends in their places was immensely damaging. (BNCI)

electoral register

soupis, seznam voličů

In Britain it is easy to forget that, while we may have the publicly available electoral register, we are almost alone in Europe in not requiring each citizen to have a formally registered address, and to notify changes of address to the police. (BNCI)

This register is not identical to the electoral register and includes foreigners resident in this country and others not entitled to vote. (BNCI)

The women's victory in 1918 was unspectacular and came about primarily because the government had to update the electoral register to include those serving in the armed forces. (BNCI)


šetrný k životnímu prostředí

Don't forget to choose products, as well as packaging, that are environment-friendly. (BNCI)

The aim is to demonstrate that environment-friendly modes can be just as quick and efficient, if not more so, than the private motor car. (BNCI)

The government is keen to develop a more environment-friendly approach to road planning and may consider increasing rail services as a way of reducing traffic, according to an announcement by Transport Secretary Malcolm Rifkind. (BNCI)

environmental science

nauka o životním prostředí

The two trails have been designed as a flexible resource to provide ideal project material for environmental science, geography and history studies. (BNCI)

The buoyancy and expected future increase in student numbers in biological and molecular sciences and environmental science has led to an increased demand for courses in chemistry and physics. (BNCI)

Geography is an environmental science which draws on knowledge from the physical, natural and social sciences. (BNCI)

equal opportunities

rovné příležitosti

The equal opportunities movement has not itself always fully accepted people with disabilities and special needs. (BNCI)

This role would not find much acceptance these days, which perhaps explains why antiracism and equal opportunities receive so much emphasis. (BNCI)

 The finding that this was indeed the case is of interest because the potential employers professed to operate a policy of equal opportunities and because such discrimination is illegal. (BNCI)

ethnic cleansing

etnické čištění

Things must be out of control if even UN administrators and NATO officers, who usually deny or minimize Albanian crimes, now admit that we are witnessing a coordinated, premeditated campaign of ethnic cleansing.(WebCorp)

The "humanitarian" justification for the Kosovo war—the contention that this is about returning Albanian refugees to their homes—was rank hypocrisy. The Clinton administration was not bothered by ethnic cleansing.(WebCorp)

U.S. columnist Ben Shapiro also advocates ethnic cleansing: "If you believe that the Jewish state has a right to exist, then you must allow Israel to transfer the Palestinians and the Israeli-Arabs from Judea, Samaria, Baza and Israel proper."(WebCorp)

ethnic minority groups

etnické menšiny

Ethnic minority groups account for 3.9 per cent of the economically-active working age population in Britain and about 10 per cent in London. (BNCI)

We will work with the legal profession to open up new opportunities to women and to black and ethnic minority groups, and create an independent judicial appointments commission. (BNCI)

We are determined to ensure that women and men from ethnic minority groups are full and equal members of the community.  (BNCI)

executive director

výkonný ředitel

1. In 1994 she was promoted to CTA deputy executive director, and took her current post a year later.(WebCorp)

 2. Since Doggett became executive director  in 1995, CTA led the successful fight to pass the statewide $13 billion school bond in 2002, launched an ongoing campaign to help our schools of greatest need in 2001...(WebCorp)
3. In this case an executive director made an announcement to the company's employees that the firm would be moving from Chelsea to Fulham. (WebCorp)

export competitiveness

konkurenceschopnost v exportu

1. There are considerable risks inherent in this policy, for export competitiveness can shift rapidly among countries, almost irrespective of relative changes in domestic costs. (BNCI)

2. Either way, devaluation against the D-mark would not solve the real cause of reduced export competitiveness in France and Italy, namely the weakness of the dollar. (BNCI)

3. The direct relation between export competitiveness and rapid growth is ampy documented. The tabel below compares increased productivity with changes in export prices.(The Times)