sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024 às 01:54
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)

national debt

státní dluh

The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $1.58 billion per day since September 30, 2003!Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!(Google)

For a decade the charade was played that the National Debt was under control and at times lowering. The chart here indicates the absolute size of the national debt month by month.(Google)

Current policy is intended to repay the national debt and also to ensure that long-term interest rates stay below short-term rates, in order to encourage the development of a corporate bond market and provide industry with lower borrowing costs.(BNCI)

no vote

hlas proti

Former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath told him before he left that the Government should have pushed ahead with ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, despite Denamrk's no vote. (BNCI)

A no vote by the Danes in their referendum, due in May or April, would condemn Britain to remain in the slow lane of a two-speed Europe. (BNCI)

The Labour leadership, the Conservative Party, the anti-tax Progress Party and the employers' lobby all argue that the economy would suffer from a No vote. (BNCI)

nominal independence

pouze formální nezávislost

Relations with the Philippines are known by the joint war against the Spanish colonial power that granted nominal independence in 1898, followed by the joint campaign against the Japanese occupation of the 1940s. (WebCorp)

The Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), our current adversary in the armed conflict, continues to suppress the sovereign will of the Filipino people in order to perpetuate the interests of the foreign and domestic oppressors and exploiters, despite the US grant of nominal independence to the Philippines on July 4, 1946. (WebCorp)

Gumbel makes no mention of the conditions imposed by the US for returning Aristide to power as president in the first democratic election Haiti had ever had during its two hundred years of nominal independence.(WebCorp)

nuclear power plant

atomová elektrárna

There have been ten major accidents at nuclear power plants since the first, at Windscale in 1957. (BNCI)

 A primordial black hole would release energy at the rate of 6,000 megawatts, equivalent to the output of six large nuclear power plants. (BNCI)

Austria has decided to dismantle its only nuclear power station, the Philippines has halted construction of its first reactor, and countries such as Australia and Denmark have declined to build any nuclear power plants. (BNCI)

nuclear reactor

atomový reaktor

A large nuclear reactor will contain hundreds, if not thousands of rods filled with uranium fuel. (BNCI)

 The first major accident in an American nuclear reactor occurred at a small prototype military plant in Idaho in 1961. (BNCI)

The Italians wanted to find out what happened inside a nuclear reactor when a pipe taking cooling water into the reactor burst.(BNCI)