sobota, 22. června 2024, 12.49
Stránky: OpenMoodle
Kurz: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Slovník: FAMILY

married life

manželský život

This does not, like a divorce, enable the parties to marry again, but it releases them in other respects from the duties of married life.

"While I was with her", I said, "she told me what a wonderful husband you had always been to her - always, in every way, all your married life." BNC 

On a nest of cotton wool, in a little box, my grandmother kept the two wedding rings which had worn thin, then broken, during her married life, because of her handling of corn. BNC

keep open house

být velmi pohostinný

We keep open house here and they can come and go as they please before settling down, as many do, after a few attempts. BNC

Easy enough to keep open house when someone else pays, isn't it? BNC

They have always kept an open house. BNC

set up house

založit si domácnost

You did not go off and set up house with the man in your life and perhaps think about marriage if it seemed like a good idea, after a year or two. BNC

Though she set up house with him, she still went home to Eccles every Sunday for a traditional roast lunch with the family. BNC

 I suppose we'll probably set up house together. BNC

move house

přestěhovat se

These days many people move house frequently, and inevitably this means leaving behind the graves of much loved pets. BNC

For example, what happens when you go on holiday for a few weeks, or you are bedridden with influenza, or you change job or move house? BNC

What's more, when you move house, your bedroom furniture can go along with you. BNC

blood is thicker than water

krev není voda

I know there wasn't much love lost between them but, as they say, blood is thicker than water; even doctors know that. BNC

Are you trying to hint that blood is thicker than water? BNC

There still remained, however, some examples of blood-sharing among unrelated bats, cases where the `;blood is thicker than water'; explanation would not fit the facts. BNC

extended family

rozšířená rodina

Family life today is likely to be affected by the extended family. BNC

Care within the extended family often flows from the oldest generation to the youngest. BNC

It was the typical extended family time with grandmother and other visiting relatives. BNC

family chronicle


This film is a family chronicle, a survey of one family's history through the generations, a history tracked through its matrilineal line. WebC

It is both a family chronicle and something of a bildungsroman. WebC

Though primarily a family chronicle and not intended for publication, the simple and intimate Memoirs unfolded a rich panorama of Jewish life in cities such as Hamburg, Berlin and Amsterdam. WebC

suckling baby


A small, weak or poorly suckling baby may under-stimulate the milk supply. WebC

It has definite psychological benefits, both to the nursing mother and suckling baby. WebC

No matter how many different regular pillows a new mother uses to try to position her suckling baby, nothing will feel as snug and natural as the Boppy Pillow. WebC


opatrovatel(ka) dětí

Carlie also claimed that when she was two months old a baby-sitter had stolen a gold cross from round her neck. BNC

I can delegate authority over my son to a baby-sitter instructing him to make sure my son is in bed by a certain time. BNC

Mary is very sorry that she has to put off coming to dinner tonight, they are not sure about getting a baby-sitter. BNC


baby's dummy


According to the eyewitnesses, they were dressed in night-gowns, and one of them
had a baby's dummy in her hand. WebC

The most damaging thing we can do as parents is put sweet concentrates in a baby's
dummy or bottle at night. WebC

It was quite normal to dip a baby's dummy into rum or brandy. WebC

bottle baby

dítě odkojené lahví

Whether you bottlefeed your baby right from the start or after a few weeks,you will discover a bottle baby needs a fairly well-organized mother. WebC

One was dam raised, the other was a bottle baby. WebC

When a bottle baby needs a little extra boost I use the following special formula. WebC

family allowance

rodinné přídavky

And love was standing outside the local supermarket collecting signatures for the campaign to keep Family Allowance as a separate benefit. BNC

In our view the principle of making an allowance for each child of the income tax payer is a sound one, in practice the middle class parent who pays income tax receives a family allowance from the state. BNC

We receive Family Allowance merely because we have children. BNC

biracial child


What it is like raising a biracial child in a world that still sees people by race and color, not individuality. WebC

What should a biracial child be taught about his black ancestry? WebC

A biracial child with white parents will face the same challenges as a black child with white parents. WebC

quick child

inteligentní/chápavé dítě, nenarozené dítě-plod

Hence the quick child is not held back, nor the child who takes longer to absorb information obliged to flounder along without true understanding. WebC

My oldest is 5 and she is a very smart quick child, who loves to learn, and has a very strong will, and a quick temper. WebC

Hence the quick child is not held back by the slower child, nor is the latter, in trying to keep up with the former, obliged to flounder along hopelessly out of his depth. WebC

child's part

dědický podíl dítěte

All records of your child's part will be confidential. WebC

I give a child's part of it to my wife, to be paid to her annually. WebC

Mrs. Benjamin Darby shall have a child's part of my property. WebC