sábado, 21 de setembro de 2024 às 01:54
Site: OpenMoodle
Disciplina: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Glossário: FAMILY

ring up the Samaritans

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Please do not think that only suicidal people ring up the Samaritans. WebC

How so many professionals believed a four year old could ring up the Samaritans is a mystery. WebC

If he were to ring up the Samaritans they’d end up topping themselves. WebC

rob the cradle

chodit s mnohem mladším partnerem

And in my opinion, that precludes the urge to rob the cradle, like this guy, who at age 45 is looking to date women aged 21-35. WebC

I would never "rob the cradle" or let some older woman "rob the cradle" on me, so to speak. WebC

Why are women allowed to rob the cradle and it's fun and games, but if men do it...it's disgusting, sick, and deserves the gauntlet? WebC

royal family

královská rodina

The Danish royal family had attended every night of the festival. BNC

The Royal Family is showing itself to be just as vulnerable to social change as the rest of us. BNC

If anyone had told her then that one day she would join the royal family she would have run a mile. BNC

run in the family

být v rodině, dědit se (určitý rys)

Diabetes 'may run in the family'. WebC

Sometimes, an infection or a metabolic disorder can cause fits, and sometimes it can be something that just runs in the family. BNC

Jimmy Souness, who was a school cleaner, had a history of heart disease which runs in the family. BNC