воскресенье, 19 мая 2024, 09:57
Сайт: OpenMoodle
Курс: Angličtina pro pokročilé (APP)
Глоссарий: FAMILY

break up with sb

rozejít se s kým

I broke up with a guy who i really cared for and ever since then Iam horribly sad. WebC 

I broke up with my boyfriend of 3 years today! WebC

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years and we broke up because of my depression and his lack of interest to help me. WebC

breakup of a marriage

manželský rozvrat, rozpad manželství

The breakup of a marriage is viewed as a situation that children may find temporarily unpleasant but will gradually accept. WebC

Your lawyer can give valid legal advice on how best to achieve the division of property you believe fair following the breakup of a marriage. WebC

Surviving the breakup of a marriage or, for that matter, surviving the loss of any cherished individual, can leave us a little wiser about love. WebC

breakup once and for all

rozchod jednou provdždy

Would you take a deep breath and say good bye, cutting all the connection, accepting all the cost of breakup once and for all? WebC

She decided to finish it - a breakup once and for all. WebC

This time, it was a breakup once and for all. WebC

bring a child into the world

přivést dítě na svět

The reason should be to make a couple happy to have the chance to bring a child into the world. WebC

An ability to help bring a child into the world and care for it does not necessarily create a good parent. BNC

When you bring a child into the world and give him (or her) your name, you are forever linked to his fate and responsible for his values and his reputation. WebC

bring up

vychovat, vyrůst

How do you bring up a child like that? BNC

When people do not know how to bring up or what to teach their children their cultural heritage is indeed in jeopardy. BNC

A school acts as a magnet for young people who want to bring up their family in a rural or well-defined small urban environment. BNC

bringing up

vychovávání, výchova (dětí)

But we also recognise that all families face extra costs in bringing up children. BNC

You concentrate so much on bringing up your children correctly, that suddenly you don't have a life of your own. BNC

On the one hand, bringing up children is seen as a purely private matter. BNC

by birth


Both men were part Austrian by birth and spent formative early years in Vienna. BNC

Many sociologists have assumed that social position is gained by individual achievement rather than by birth. BNC

It seems that he speaks no English although he has lived in this country for some time; he is in fact Italian by birth. BNC